US Dollar Futures

Prop accounts

You say anything about prop firms and everyone gets defensive.

It gives you an opportunity to make more money than you would do with your own funds if you have little to work with. No harm in that.

But don’t be deluded..

The capital in the account is not yours, or real.

Use your prop/funding firm profits to build capital in a LIVE account YOU OWN.

Leverage the opportunity to your advantage, but also be realistic with yourself.

“6-7 figure trader”.

If you haven’t got that amount in the bank or in your own account, not you’re not.

I am not saying prop/funding firms do not pay out, most of them do.

But you are not a 6-7 figure trader.

You are a demo trader being paid real money from other people’s failed attempts at challenges.

If you can’t withdraw the entire balance, the money is not yours.
