By benny_marshall
- DXY currently stands at 102.60 LEVEL. The USD has been slightly WEAK since the MARKET RISK ON in the last few days. Also, at present the CAD FEATURE is at 0.7935 LEVEL. However, CAD is getting a bit STRONG compared to DXY. Due to this USDCAD is selling. This is because USD receives a NEGATIVE SENTIMENT and a CAD RATE HIKE.

- Currently the OVERALL MARKET is showing RISK OFF. STOCKS is currently RED showing a RISK OFF SENTIMENT. And the VOLATILITY is getting a bit UP. Also COMMODITIES show a MIXED BIAS today. Currently the MARKET has a RISK OFF SENTIMENT. Therefore, in the future, all NZD CAD AUD currencies may be slightly lower compared to JPY CHF and USD currencies.

- USDCAD PRICE can be DOWN to 1.2523 LEVEL before re-UP. After that the USDCAD PRICE can be UP again to 1.2979 LEVEL. The USD is slightly WEAK at this time due to the MARKET SENTIMENT. But over time, that is likely to change. The OIL PRICE applies to USDCAD, and the decisions made at OPEC MEETING will have the greatest impact on USDCAD. DXY UP can be from FOMC UPDATES in the future. So stay tuned for that.
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