USDCHF Sell the breakdown.

By Signal_Centre1
USDCHF - Intraday - We look to Sell a break of 0.9129 (stop at 0.9151)

Price action is forming a bearish flag which has a bias to break to the downside.
A break of bespoke support at 0.9130, and the move lower is already underway.
Short term bias is bearish.
We look for losses to be extended today.

Our profit targets will be 0.9067 and 0.9057

Resistance: 0.9150 / 0.9160 / 0.9175
Support: 0.9130 / 0.9120 / 0.9100
Order cancelled
Trade has expired and wasn't filled.
chfForexforexsignalsforextradingsignalsignalsSupport and ResistanceUSDUSDCHFusdchfshort

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