USDCHF (4H) Backtest : 60% win rate across 20 trades => 14.2 R

By makuchaku
Detailed backtest result :

Non-looser = 75%

Icons on the chart
Thumbs up : Trade was a win
Thumbs down : Trade was a loss
Circle with a cross : Trade was breakeven
Cross : Did not take the trade due to presence of liquidity (equal highs/lows) behind the stop loss

Avg winner = 1.6R

Strategy : wait for market structure break, then trade the retest of that zone. Zone is drawn using the first candle which crossed the pivot high/low to begin trapping the traders.
backtestbtmmictictbreakerictorderblockliquiditymakuchakuSupply and Demandtrapped-tradersUSDCHF
