3 Things To Do After You Lose A Trade

By ShaquanLopez
We have all been there. You analyze a trade setup. You know how much you're going to risk on a trade. You enter the trade just to come back to your chart and find you've been stopped out.

It's not fun. It sucks. You thought the setup would work because you followed you rules. The thing is, the market is the market.

In my early stages of trading I hated being stopped out. My reasoning was because. I had no idea how to make up for my loss.

I thought if I just plotted more lines and levels on my chart I could enter the trade again and make my money back.

The problem I kept running into was I had no idea why I lost the trade or how to handle my feelings. I also had no real plan on how to adjust to the price change.

I honestly thought my levels or trend lines didn't work. It was deeper than that.

What changed?

I had to change the way I viewed the market and my next steps to recover my loss. Not only that, I had to learn how to be "ok" with losing money.

I created a 3 Step Process that would increase my probability of winning my next trade. Because we are a trading family, I thought I'd share it with you.

Step 1: Access my previous trade

You hear this all the time, "I made a mistake thats why I lost the trade." The true question is did you really make a mistake or did you follow your trading rules?

When I follow my rules no mistakes are made. When I lose a trade that can mean 1 thing. The market reversed. This leads me to step 2.

Step 2: Change my bias

In the book The Unknown Market Wizards by Jack Schwager, I heard the most beautiful and profound statement by one of the wizard traders. He said, "I realized I have a right to change my mind about my trade at any time."

I can't tell you how that made me feel. I've been doing that all along, but this market wizard summed up my actions in just one sentence.

When I'm stopped out that means I have to change my mid about the direction of the trade. I made being stopped out so simple so I won't confuse the next action I should take. That leads me to step 3, update my chart and adapt to the new price movement.

Step 3: Update and Adapt

I have a no nonsense rule and that is to stop trading in 1 direction if I'm stopped out. Go opposite. I'm a true trend trader. I don't naturally trade against the trend. It gets me in trouble.

So at the first sign of trouble, I adapt.

See, USDCHF was in a downtrend.

I sold the trade at 0.92835( sell limit) and overnight I was stopped out. It happened so fast and just as fast as I was stopped out, I knew I had to become the buyer.

My Mental

In the recent past, being stopped out would have spooked me. Now, its making me want to come back to the charts to face my fear. I used to have a fear of success and failure. Now I have a hunger to want to succeed and learn.

Putting on trades is a bit more fun since I've began working with pending orders. They challenge me. Especially in situations when price reverses and I'm stopped out.

I pray you gained new insight and a key takeaway on what you can do next after you lose a trade.

Just remember, losing a trade doesn't make you a loser, it makes you a trader.

Comment down below what your takeaway was. I'd appreciate it if you could like the post. It helps boost my Trading view reputation. Much love,

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