U.S. Dollar / Japanese YenUpdated

Short term trend reversal

The (usdjpy) has violated gross technicals with such a illegal move up. This was spurned by the world central banks making criminal moves abusing currency swapping and laundering world of ( mostly basket of six ) currencies through the Japanese. This has been going on since 1992 and has been very notable in last five years and even more so since last December and is going on while I'm creating and writing about it. This is done in order for the criminal world governments to keep control of pricing of i.e. ( prime metals; oil; fx) markets.
Central banks launder currencies enough to form a triple top in the usdjpy trade. Our own central bank the fed is implementing new bond buying starting up the printing presses in digital fabricated fake fiat money also reallocating funds too banks through a (repo) vehicle so the ppt team can buy up this diluted convoluted beast they call a stock market on daily basis at least to January.
The World Central Bank Cabal is continuing of its despicable devices of mass destruction on the honest trader's with its mad diabolical plan, to control everything. It is liken to a James Bond movie but in reality its one atrocious nightmare unsurpassed by anything the human kind has seen in its history !! :( >Megalo The Greatest Wealth Transfer in humankind is upon us, ie.. it will not be transferred to the major part of the populous.
