USDT is looking to enter a new phase

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(USDT chart)
The OBV, indicated by the 'Vol & Trend' indicator, is about to turn from buying to selling.

Therefore, the possibility of volatility in the coin market is increasing.

Similar to the present situation,
It looks similar to the chart above.

Therefore, if USDT starts to decline, it is expected to show a similar flow to the previous chart when it is supported and rises around 82.959B-83.333B.


(USDC chart)
If USDC remains below 26.129B or continues to fall, it is expected that a crisis in investment products or stocks related to the stock market will occur.

Therefore, caution is required if you are investing in investment products or items that are related to the stock market and coin market.

Since the funds leading the coin market are likely to be funds inflow through USDT, the continued decline in USDC is not expected to have a significant impact on the coin market.

However, since USDC's continued decline causes the stock market and the coin market to separate, the coin market itself is highly likely to show a different look from the stock market.

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(BTC.D chart)
It is expected that BTC dominance should fall below 47.64-48.80 for the altcoin bull market to start.

Therefore, when BTC dominance shows a decline until then, quick trading is needed from a short-term and day trading perspective.

BTC dominance is expected to rise in the 56.78-61.73 range and form a new trend afterwards.

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(USDT.D chart)
USDT dominance is rising above the 6.85-7.27 range.

Therefore, the coin market is more likely to show a downward trend.

A large trend in the coin market is expected to form when USDT dominance breaks out of the 6.21-8.25 zone.

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** All descriptions are for reference only and do not guarantee profit or loss in investment.

** Even if you know other people's know-how, it takes a considerable period of time to make it your own.

** This is a chart created with my know-how.

(USDT chart)
It is necessary to confirm that USDT is about to start a movement like the volatility that started around June 2021 (

If volatility is starting, it will be a question of whether it can find support around 82.959B-83.333B and rise.

(USDC chart)
The key is whether it can be supported around 26.129B and rise above 27.27B.

If this is not the case and continues to decline below 26.129B, I think there is a possibility that coin-related investment products and items will be at risk.

Therefore, it is necessary to check whether a new stimulus package is coming out.

(BTC.D chart)
If BTC dominance is going to rise to the 56.78-61.73 section anyway, I think it's better to rise quickly and then meet a new wave later.

However, it doesn't work as intended, so we have to respond well until it rises to the 56.78-61.73 section.

(USDT.D chart)
A drop in USDT dominance means that the coin market is likely to show an uptrend.

I think USDT dominance needs to break out of the 6.21-8.25 zone to create a new wave.

However, based on the 6.85-7.27 interval, we can predict which direction the trend will start.

Therefore, if it stays above 7.27, the coin market is likely to see a big picture downtrend.

Conversely, if it holds at the 6.85 binomial, the coin market is likely to show an uptrend in the big picture.

Since the current USDT dominance is located above 7.27, even if the coin market has risen, it is highly likely that it will eventually show a downward trend.

Therefore, it is necessary to check whether it drops below 7.27 and maintains it.

The volatility period for BTC dominance is around August 17th.

The volatility period for USDT dominance is around August 21-28.

Therefore, from around August 17th, it is necessary to check what changes will begin in the size and flow of funds in the coin market.
(USDT chart)
USDT is trending lower after gapping.

1st: 83.333B-83.557B
2nd: 81.839B
3rd: 77.134B-79.702B

The key is whether you can rise after being supported in the vicinity of the 1st to 3rd above.

(USDC chart)
The question is whether it can rise above 26.525B and hold.

If not, it is expected to adversely affect investment products or items in the coin-related stock market.

(BTC.D chart)
The question is whether it can rise above 55.01 along the rising channel.

If the BTC dominance rises to the 55.01-61.73 section, it is expected to create a new wave, so I think it would be better for investors to rise quickly.

An altcoin bull market begins when BTC dominance is trending down.

Therefore, caution is needed when trading altcoins when BTC dominance is on the rise.

(USDT.D chart)
The question is whether it can break out of the rising channel and fall below 6.85-7.14.

If not, we need to see if we can get resistance around 7.39-7.86.

Caution should be exercised as an increase in USDT dominance is highly likely to lead to a downtrend in the coin market.

Therefore, for an altcoin bull market to start, BTC dominance and USDT dominance must show a downward trend.
(USDT chart)

(USDT chart)

(BTC.D chart)


(USDT.D chart)

If USDT dominance remains above 7.39, the coin market is expected to show a sharp decline.
Beyond Technical AnalysisbtcdominanceTechnical IndicatorsmarketcapTrend AnalysisUSDCusdtusdtdominance

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