USOIL Last Trench!

By s0h3il
hello traders
as we saw on last 4h candle price was gaining momentum which means prz could be destroyed so i dont enter based on first senario until i see some reversal patterns (probably a big ending pattern with long spike shadows) with sl slightly below red line (82.8)
here is my last bullish senario
based on what we got here the sl should be under previous low (76.3) which make this trade completly trash :D
but dont worry i will be looking for a tighter spot to set sl and update on this idea or you can just look for a static high break (at least 1h time frame) enter with ur sl under last low
gl hf
get ready boyz
Trade closed manually
this isnt the wave 3 i expected (bulls are already dead )this could be just b wave which needs a c wave to downside to complete wave 2 here i make it clear for you guys
how ever i closed this trade with a great profit who cares that was b or 3 :))
i set my long orders in 83/82.9/82.8 get ready boyz
Wave Analysis
