Vol has awoken. I repeat. Vol has awoken.
Bears UNITE!

1 min chart shows clear bottoming pattern, plus impulsive price action to the upside. I'm seeing impulsive fractals meaning 1-2 1-2

With all the new supply of dead bulls in the future, we'll have to turn them into hamburger or something.

How does bankrupt hamburger taste?
Would you like some forbearance on the side?
You're from America? Oh don't worry about the bill!
They never pay it off anyways!
Here just put it on the Fed's tab.
You take Fed credit here?....
Well....that's all I have...?
Well how am I supposed to pay for things if you won't accept my make believe credit that someone printed on a screen??!!
This is unacceptable. Everyone is supposed to accept my meaningless, make-believe credit!! Well if you don't I'll....I'll....say you have weapons of mass destruction and invade your country!! Yeah that'll show em.

(Not financial advice. Just a bear living it up.)
Chart PatternsDJITechnical IndicatorsNASDAQ 100 CFDshortSPX (S&P 500 Index)S&P 500 (SPX500)Trend AnalysisUVXYVIX CBOE Volatility IndexVXX

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