... for a 2.05 credit.

This particular setup involves examining where the /VX futures price lies in the corresponding expiry to that of the VIX. Here, the May /VX price is closest to the VIX 14 strike, so that is where the body of the fly is set up. You then proceed to buy a .05 long put in the same expiry, and buy the long so that the wings are of equal length.


Max Profit: $205
Max Loss/Buying Power Effect: $95
Break Evens: 11.95/16.05

Notes: I'll look to manage at 25% max profit, as I would with any other short straddle or iron fly.
Covering the near worthless call side here for a .10 db, rolling the short put side out to the June 9.5/14 for a .04 db, and selling the oppositional 14/19 call side for a .46 credit, so that I'm net credit for the roll by .32. Scratch point is now 2.37.
Trade active
Running into expiry, here's how I'm basically going to work the June VIX setups I've got on -- first, I'm going to close out the short call sides on Tuesday, assuming they're approaching worthless. Instead of rolling the short put sides out, I'll look for a small rollover bump as the June VX futures expire and "rolls over" to July. VIX is a.m. settled, so if spot doesn't hit the low side BE on rollover, I will experience a loss of some sort, although it probably won't be max, since my long put's at 9.5 in this setup and 10 in the other (a 10/15/15/20, the BE of which is at 12). You can also just close out the short call and leave the long call on as a potential lotto trade (you never know what'll happen in the overnight).
Trade active
Covering the 14 short call for a .05 db; allowing the remainder to go to a.m. settlement.
ironflyoptionsstrategyVIX CBOE Volatility Index
