Elliot wave counts on VIX.

It calls for VIX (volatility and fear) to soon explode higher in line with my Elliotwave bearish projections on the S&P Futures (SPX500USD and SPX) and higher calls for the US Dollar Index (DXY).

See below links for Elliotwave counts just posted on S&P Futures and US Dollar Index.

RIsk OFF is about to enter the markets in a major way.

Even though I call for wave C DOWN in the S&P to reach (slightly exceed) the March lows I believe VIX will reach a LOWER High than the March highs as I see the coming wave C down in the S&P to be more orderly and less violent than the Feb and March crash in the S&P.

It is notable the VXN DID NOT MAKE A NEW LOW when the NASDAQ 100 has been making higher highs. This is a Major red flag and warning signal that the NASDAQ has gone too far. See link to he VXN and NASDAQ divergence comparison below also.


Chart PatternselliottwaveprojectionElliott WaveelliotwaveanalysiselliotwavecountTrend AnalysisVIX CBOE Volatility Indexvixfuturesvixlong

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