OPENING: VIX AUG 16TH 9/12.5/12.5/16 IRON FLY

Going to bite on an August setup here ... .


Max Profit: 190/contract
Max Loss/Buying Power Effect: 160/contract
Break Evens: 10.40/14.40
Theta: .94
Delta: 17.02

Notes: Previously, the recommendation was to shoot for 25% max profit on these. If you do that, however, you'll have to wait until the very last moment, generally, so shooting for 10% max on these instead. It hardly seems worth the effort, but there isn't much to play in this market with the VIX at sub-12 levels. Naturally, if the front month future was higher up the ladder, the fly would be wider and probably pay more, making a 10% take profit more enticing.

Another minor thing of note: it still pays to put these on a "pop" even if it's not to 15. VIX implied volatility rises as its price increases, so you'll get some volatility contraction if price declines somewhat after you put these on.
Weirdly enough, filled above the mid at 1.93 ... .
Trade closed: target reached
Covering the 12.5/12.5/16 for a 1.75 db here. The 9 long put is no bid, so will just let it expire worthless.
ironflyoptionsstrategiesVIX CBOE Volatility Index
