Volkswagen ( bearish scenario:

The technical figure Rising Wedge can be found in the German company Volkswagen AG ( at daily chart. Volkswagen AG, known internationally as the Volkswagen Group, is a German multinational automotive manufacturing corporation. It designs, manufactures, and distributes passenger and commercial vehicles, motorcycles, engines, and turbomachinery, and offers related services, including financing, leasing, and fleet management. The Rising Wedge has broken through the support line on 25/01/2022, if the price holds below this level you can have a possible bearish price movement with a forecast for the next 12 days towards 164.62 EUR. Your stop loss order according to experts should be placed at 195.00 EUR if you decide to enter this position.

Volkswagen Group posted its lowest sales figures in 10 years in 2021 at 8.9 million deliveries, the carmaker said last Wednesday, and it said it expected supply chain conditions to remain volatile in the first half of this year. The Volkswagen brand saw an 8.1% drop in sales to just under 4.9 million units, with the biggest fall in China at 14.8%, although battery-electric vehicle sales in the country quadrupled.

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