VXN - NQ Volatility / 30 Day VX Expectations - ES YM RTY

We see how important the Ledge remains.

We traded Support first thing this morning, this
is where and when we Closed our NQ SELLs.

The balance of the Day was SOH.

The intent is clear, the Hourly was over-sold, the Weekly
remains deadly.

These are enormous ranges and again, IF there is not a
high probability setup with a clearly defined trade plan.

9/10 its a loser.

NQ did exactly as indicated within the Range.

The ES, although the Range expanded to 4140 (200SMA) to 4388,
it did dip in @ the Upper Trend Line by a few Ticks.

The VIX gave up the Ghost, as indicated there is a serious effort
to keep it under control AND we have 10 trading days to Roll/Settlement.
This is the sweet spot for Counter Trends to develop.

YM / RTY - exact same trades... RTY is always used to park $ as it is easy
to manipulate due to its weightings.

We suggested this CT would evolve and patience was required as it can
trade up to the Ledge, a Gap Fill, remains possible, but not probable.
Were the Indices to Fill their overhead Gaps, it would imply a longer
correction duration... this is why patience is so very important.

It is best to permit the Trade to come to you as opposed to chasing it.

This generally ends badly for most traders.

There is far more Downside to come as the 200SMAs are wide open now.
Observe where the 21/34/50EMAs are, know these levels, they are extreme
in importance and the Algo's always using them for Fills.

We have 2 competing BOTs, one - short term duration - and the other attempting
larger fills on Daily Time Frames, when they are not competing, as we have observed,
the ST ALGO runs the Range until the DT ALGO gets its Fill.

The NQ Range has Expanded to 14036 - 15018
Chart PatternsESTechnical IndicatorsNQrtyTrend AnalysisVIX CBOE Volatility IndexVXNym
