walmart and tractor supply company

in the midst of seeing sears die off we should look around at the retail giants of today and evaluate them -- some would say amzn or baba others may say shop or even sq but to be honest with you lets look at the 'silent majority' of americans. Yes for now the population of USA is pretty rural -- the only grocer for miles is walmart and one of the only places to get seed, feed, and supplies are tractor supply and the home depot.. this is the reality of being in the middle of nowhere where you are 'lucky' to come up on one of these places.

manage your risk

gl hf



that 161.8 might have been the buy... I never sold mine only added to wmt and held tsco
wmt earnings

i think grocery segment is doing well

like i said originally what is around in middle of nowhere USA?

wmt and tsco
Wal­mart Inc. strength­ened its grip on Amer­i­can shop­pers over the win­ter hol­i­days, post­ing strong sales growth as the world’s big­gest re­tailer lured cus­tomers from shrink­ing chains and ramped up its on­line gro­cery busi­ness.

In the U.S., the com­pa­ny’s com­pa­ra­ble sales, which ex­clude gas but in­clude e-com­merce sales, rose 4.2% in the Jan­uary-ended quar­ter, one of the be­he­moth’s big­gest quar­terly gains in a decade. Wal­mart got a boost from strong gro­cery sales, on­line or­ders and hol­i­day pur­chases in­clud­ing toys. Wal­mart had ex­pected quar­terly U.S. com­pa­ra­ble sales to rise at least 3% from a year ear­lier.
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