WRPT: One to put on your watch list.

By goodguy
This companay has gone thru a long decline from 50 to <1. In the past few months it has gone up about 300%. Personally it looks to me like it is making a 5 wave up pattern and I favor there may be one more quick pop up perhaps to the price of 3. Would go along with what I favor will happen in the IWM. But the WRPT RSI favors a retraction soon due to some profit taking. IFFFF this occurs I think it would likely be a great long term buy opportunity. The company makes natural gas engines for trucks.

From the Web site:
Westport pioneered high pressure direct injection technology, Westport™ HPDI 1.0, which was a ground-breaking product and great success in opening up the heavy duty natural gas trucking industry. In this film, we look at Westport’s next generation of technologies, including Westport™ HPDI 2.0, advanced spark-ignited natural gas technology, and novel conformable CNG and cryogenic LNG fuel storage technologies. westport.com/

From Market Edge:
The current condition for WPRT is strong. The positive condition of the underlying indicators should keep the current uptrend in tact. The stock should continue to be a market leader. The stock has outperformed the market over the last 50 trading days when compared to the S&P 500. MACD-LT, an intermediate-term trend indicator, is bullish at this time. Chart formation indicates a strong rising trend. Upside momentum, as measured by the 9-day RSI indicator is positive but is beginning to slow. Over the last 50 trading sessions, there has been more volume on up days than on down days indicating that WPRT is under accumulation, which is a bullish condition. The stock is trading above a rising 50-day moving average. This validates the strong technical condition for WPRT. The stock is above its 200-day moving average which is pointed up indicating that the intermediate term trend is bullish.
Week's Activity (Close as of week ending 06/23/2017)
VANCOUVER, B.C., July 14, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Westport Fuel Systems Inc. (“Westport Fuel Systems”) (WPRT) (WPRT) today announced the pricing of its offering of common shares in the United States (the “Offering”). Westport Fuel Systems will offer 16,700,000 common shares at a price of US$1.50 per share, for gross proceeds of US$25,050,000. Westport has granted the underwriters of the Offering an option to purchase up to an additional 2,505,000 common shares at the Offering price during the period ending 30 days from the closing of the Offering. No common shares have been or will be sold or offered in Canada or to any resident of Canada pursuant to the Offering.
