... for a .50/contract credit.

Notes: Another trade I've been working way too long (See Post Below), was not aggressive enough on the call side as it bottomed, and/or wasn't very mechanical on rolls.

Selling calls against as a delta cutter, scratch at 6.50, delta/theta 57.7/.86. Will look to flatten delta further in subsequent cycles.
Trade active
Adding some April 17th 19 short call for .42 to flatten delta further. Scratch at 6.92, delta/theta 32.74/1.50, extrinsic of 1.52.
Trade active
With net delta long at less than what a covered call would be (52.96 to be exact) and with earnings in 45 days or so, going to leave this alone here to see if I get a move.
Trade active
This was not "the move" I wanted. Lol. Pulled off the April 22nd 22 short call for .05. Scratch at 6.87.
Trade active
Selling an April 17th 14 call for .28; scratch at 7.15. Both 18 and 19 have gone no bid; will pull them off at near worthless if I get an opportunity. Delta 69.32/theta .78; extrinsic .35. Cost basis of 15.13 if assigned on the 22's at this point, so still have some work to do.
Trade active
Closed the 18 and 19 for .09; scratch at 7.06. Now a 14P/22C simple inverted. Will look to continue this as a new post.
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