Here is a simple comparison of airlines in two major events. 9/11 vs Covid.
It may surprise you to know that we are seeing the exact same pattern we
saw after 9/11. We can argue if the impact of covid had the same impact
as the aftermath of 9/11. if the industry is even the same as it was back
then if the bailouts are equal etc...
But from a charting perspective, the patterns are identical. If the similarities
continue, (and I don't see why not) Then we are likely at a top. Being that
airlines are extremely economically sensitive and capital intensive I suspect
the stock markets will also drop.
I could be grossly wrong, we definitely need more data, but from a risk-reward
standpoint, I would not be long airlines at this point. And I am not! :P
"Better to be out wishing you were in than in which you were out."