GOLD long around 1852, Tp ≈ 1960. 15 June 21

GOLD indeed forming a double three complex wave pattern as previous post on
GOLD could be in double three irregular complex pattern. 7June21
.. And most likely completed its leading diagonal pattern which is Wave (A) (cyan/light blue)..Wave (B)(Cyan/light blue) could be expanding flat wave (3-3-5 waves).. We might just completed the 1st phase of the 3 phases of expanding flat wave pattern which is wave A (yellow) with 3 sub waves (wxy, green cicled)..

Long Gold at around 1852, Stop Lost at 1844, Target Profit at around 1960
xyz3dtrading.. Charts consist of 3Dimensions - The X-factor ( Time or Cycle ), The Y- factor ( Price Geometry ), AND The Z-factor ( The Speed )
doublethreedoublethreecombinationdoublethreecorrectionEconomic CyclesElliott WaveGoldXAUUSDxyz3dtrading
