Liquidity is What is gold doing - A Smart Money Tutorial

By BodiesXWix
Follow along with me here since I posted my last idea about this (see my linked ideas) Gold has done some interesting stuff. And now that I've had time to digest it, I understand what's going on (kinda).

Ever had a trade where you knew you had the trade correct, it hits your sell limit and takes off and your twenty pips up. And before you know it, you 50 pip stop loss was hit, ever had that happen? That's liquidity and the banks/institutions know how to take it.

My last Idea said there were bear candles that haven't been mitigated. This is a buy-to-sell or sell-to-buy candle that institutions do to either take out liquidity or create a better position to make more profit (if the make a large sell and it drops them 50 Pips, they quadruple their order to buy it convinces everyone else to buy, thus the banks make more money) But they're still holding that sell position. And that's the candle that needs to be mitigated. Meaning they need to get back to that candle so they can release their sell position so they are not in draw down anymore. and banks and institutions trade with millions of dollars so they can afford all of that draw down, but they don't want to lose that profit. So there is always game of mitigating candles. And with gold it's been happening a lot with the last down candle from the major 1000 point drop in one day. If you follow all of the down candles you'll be able to spot them, but I digress.

Now, they still haven't mitigated the candle mentioned in the linked idea. And instead of mitigating them first Gold created a lot of liquidity and went straight for that liquidity. Now, Liquidity is where the money is, where people have their sell/buy limits, sell/buy stops set and their stop losses. Because once you hit a limit or an area someone would want to market execute, then you have liquidity. Typically these are highs lows, or equal highs and lows of a schematic. In this markup all of the blue lines represent where liquidity is (was in one case), because that's where you would set your limits and expect them to go the opposite direction, Amirite? Well the banks now this. So they will create these areas on purpose and go straight through them to take your money. Look at Liquidity 1 and then look at the red line I have showing the price action shooting up straight through that.


Most retail traders had their sell limits right at the top of those double tops. So the banks just bought through them and took all of those retail traders out.

Are you following me now?

So now go back and look at the whole chart I drew up and where all of the liquidity is. The question is, which liquidity is it going to tak out first? and that's how you know when to sell or buy. But each of those liquidity areas were created for a reason, to trick retail traders into doing the same thing they would normally do. If you do sell or buy when it's taking out liquidity, your first target should always be close to your next nearest high or low becuase those highs or lows can have mitigation candles in them. The second target should be after the high or low as your taking out liquidity as well with this. And then you might have to close your trade and swap to the other side and do the same.

Just follow liquidity and you'll know when and where to trade.
Sneaky Sneaky Gold. It created more liquidity for area 4 and 5 then it looks like it created another liquidity area as they are all stacked on top of each other. Then in one swipe it took out liquidity 4, 5, (The new area) 6 and 2. It looks like it's slowing down to create more liquidity areas. We still see you area 3.

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You're either trading with Smart Money Theory or your just burning your money money. Believe me, I've been there.

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