Covid-19 vacine should be of benefit, Gold 4hr and daily Nice>>>

Gold showing signs of a more dominant progress north, to really understand where I am going with this, you need to view my previous charts linked below. I at first seen a possible break north in the early new year, this started as planned, alas the new variant came and further decline progressed, I outlined this possible drop in my previous charts, but did not have my fingers crossed long enough. That said the yellow metal did show signs of weakening further, but much over the last few weeks has seen confidence become more apparent, this in part is due to an effective vaccine, less restrictions globally as lock downs become less restrictive, however gold does have a tendency to follow its own path and other strategies have gone in producing this idea, fractal method, fib and others. Note I did change the idea between the 4hr and daily in its path north.


Areas to look for 1828,1858,1900,1928,1958 and 2015

For further information on this idea please PM me
Chart Patternscovid-2019GoldLONGTrend AnalysisXAUUSD

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