Volume Trend Analysis on Gold Hourly (22.45 Point Move)

A quick chart to show Volume Trend Analysis on Gold.

These are the last two indications on the XAUUSD (weakness is indicated by red icon and strength indicated by green icon). You can see the moves were pretty dramatic and identified easily with our Volume Trend Advisor (available on Trading View) which performs complex volume trend analysis and distills it down into a simple easy to read icon that you can act on.
The trade entries and exits are listed below.

Weakness Short Trade Entry: 1249.20 (exit at strength indication 1239.76) which was a 9.44 point move.
Strength Long Trade Entry: 1239.76 (Current price is 1252.77) which was a 13.01 point move and went as high as 1256.50 which would have netted 16.74 points

The Volume Trend Advisor (The red and green indications on the chart) indicates in real-time and cannot repaint as it uses closed price and volume analysis to determine likely changes in direction/trend. The Green icon = Strength and the Red icon = Weakness. The indicator is available on Trading View and if you have any questions regarding this fairly simple and accurate method of volume analysis, please contact us directly.
GoldSupply and DemandTrend AnalysisvolumespreadanalysisVolumevolumetrendadvisorvolumetrendanalysisVSAXAUUSD
