0.113 (0.11334822207492888438131467604693) = 1 - .88665...
0.236 (0.23636363636363636363636363636364) = FibNum/FibNum+3 spaces (8/34; 13/55; 21/89; 34/144
0.382 (0.38196600646967900635274046949864) = 0.618^2; 1 – 0.618; 0.618/1.618; FibNum/FibNum+2 spaces (13/34; 34/89; 55/144)
0.5 = 1/2
0.6 = 3/5
0.618 (0.61803398488244884408656119067793) =Inverse Golden Ratio 1/1.618
0.625 = 5/8
0.667 = 2/3
0.764 (0.76363636363636363636363636363636) = 1-0.236...
0.786 (0.78615137529768962688511616272562) = Square root of 0.618
0.852 (0.85179964030248565725712057154466) = Cube Root of 3√0.618
0.886 (0.88665177792507111561868532395307) = Square root of 0.786; or SQRT of SQRT of 0.618 (2√2√0.618)
1 = 1.618... x .618..
1.128 (1.1278384873260894533701069217877) = SQRT or SQRT of 1.618.. (2√1.618); Inverse of 0.886 (1/0.886)
1.174 (1.1739849991541278133445366449687) = Cube Root of 1.618.. (3√1.618)
1.272 (1.2720196534940016405375312149938) = Square root of 1.618.. (or the inverse of 0.786 (1/0.786))
1.414 (1.4142135623..) = Square root of 2.0
1.618033998875 = Golden Ratio
1.732 (1.7320508075..) = SQRT of 3
2.000 = Fibonacci prime; Square root of 4.0 (or 1+1)
2.236 (2.2360679774..) = Square root of 5.0
2.618 (2.618034021515423501265625) = 1.618^2 (1.618 x 1.618)
3 = Fibonacci prime; 2+1
4.236 (4.2360680570233984752419728423262) = 2.618 x 1.618
5 = Fibonacci prime; 3+2
6.854 (6.8541021378122209643383470013132) = 4.236 x 1.618
8 = 5+3
11.09 (11.090170290741994230773484367042) = 6.854 x 1.618
13 = Fibonacci prime; 8+5
17.944 (17.944272583733990316110600494723) = 11.09 x 1.618
21 = 13+8
29.034 (29.034443125562136630436960255253) = 17.944 x 1.618
34 = 21+13
46.978 (46.978716115562057664435032840407) = 29.034 x 1.618
55 = 34+21
76.013 (76.013159898476282781009159054406) = 46.978 x 1.618
89 = Fibonacci prime; 55+34
122.991 (122.9918770776563688475015555328) = 76.013 x 1.618
144 = 89+55
199.005 (199.00503869710278339943491695152) = 122.991 x 1.618
233 = Fibonacci prime; 144+89
321.996 (321.99691855934733650068064509037) = 199.005 x 1.618
377 = 233+144
521.001 (521.00196176200847488827655333489) = 321.996 x 1.618
610 = 377+233
842.998 (842.99888761150241367511813044936) = 521.001 x 1.618
987 = 610+377
1364.000 (1364.000861169215947845465873699) = 842.998 x 1.618
1597 = Fibonacci prime; 987+610
2206.999 (2206.9997678665701881408225881585) = 1364.000 x 1.618
2584 = 1597+987
3571.000 (3571.0006599173432889483562739501) = 2206.999 x 1.618
4181 = 2584+1597
5778.000 (5778.0004777513228887832534952976) = 3571.000 x 1.618
6765 = 4181+2584
9349.001 (9349.0012185176334415592845361292) = 5778.000 x 1.618
10946 = 6765+4181
15127.001 (15127.001827085334137147597773377) = 9349.001 x 1.618
FibonacciFibonacci Retracement
