The Journey of a Trader 🎓From Day 1 Until Profitable

On Day 1, a trader is just a passenger in a car that is controlled by others...

This journey is so common that when people realize others are doing the same thing, they don’t feel so alone. I have talked with thousands of traders through the years and the vast majority of them experience this journey just as I have.

Most start out so pissed off with life that something has to change. Most do not have college degrees. The ones that do have college degrees think they have an edge in trading… THEY DON’T but they can’t realize that yet.

Some people are smarter than others so they think trading will come easier to them. IT WONT. For some reason, trading comes easier to basic factory workers with no education and no one knows why.

Maybe it is just pure gut instinct. Maybe it is because they are used to following the rules. Whatever the case, trading is not, nor ever will be, easy.

Most traders give up before the journey ends. It has been said that 80-90% will give up in their first year but there are actually zero statistical studies to back this up.

One thing we do know, by looking at trading statistics from brokers is that only a small percentage are successful. By analyzing data from 3 of the largest forex brokers, we know that only 25-35% are successful in their trades and the others are losing.

This is a totally different number than all the "95% of trader lose" we see blasted all over the place. No one knows the REAL number.

Out of the small percentage that stick with it, success is born after a long and intense process. Successful traders go through a series of steps and it is kind of funny but we all go through the same steps, over and over.

Most traders I know have gone down this same path and I am going to lay it out for you here. While you are reading, this I want you to ask yourself where you are along this journey.

Ignorance Comes First

Then comes the «WOW» moment!
A WOW moment is when you find something that makes you take a double take, lose your breathe and say wow.

The second wow moment! đź’Ą
A new spark of excitement and hope sets in…

Pure determination
At this point, you become unstoppable.

Others think you are crazy!
Everyone, at this point, thinks you have lost your damn mind!

Finally you can say, ” Heck Yeah, I made it!”

When you reach this point, you have given more effort than the overwhelming majority of so called traders out there. You have spent sleepless nights, sweaty day, cried, made yourself sick, mentally abused your mind, and just gave every dang ounce of energy you have to this profession. You have persevered and prevailed.

Hey traders, let me know what subject do you want to dive in in the next post?
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