BTC Beautiful Bullish Bowtie Diametric Forming

By Korastiz
Hi guys,

I think I have a pretty good idea of what to expect from BTC now, I think it is forming a bullish bowtie diametric. It's looking like it will probably be mirrored about the dashed white line, and will start by completing the small bullish AB=CD harmonic.

Initially a long, and then a pretty significant short to the ~7666 area I think. The shole pattern should take until near the end of August, after which the sky is the limits.

Good luck! Would be amazing if this played out, it looks too perfect to be true, but is also matching up extremely well with some trendlines I drew... have high hopes for this one.

Not trading advice. Let's do this!!
Still working out on finer detail counts if this can even make sense, hoping it can. Seems almost too perfect... will update when I have a better idea (or if price does something completely opposite before I manage to come up with one).
As much as I like this idea... it's probably not going to happen. But time will tell.
Another possible outcome, if we repeat the pattern at the end of the dump to 3k could be this, where we are forming a little triangle now in an x-wave snapshot
Really doubt any of these ideas, I have posted three new ideas that I think work great overall (all of them work and are quite similar for some years to come, but resolve quite differently). Please have a look at that idea here:

BTC Overall, Three Ideas, All Can Work
Trade closed manually
AB=CDamazingbowtieBTCBullish PatternsdiametricmirrorNeo Wave
