BTCUSD / Trade update - TD9 on 4h, 3h, 1h - it must reverse!

By ezpi
TD9 indicator has popped up now on 4h, 3h, and 1h. Its even about to pop on 6h with one more candle!

If this doesnt reverse now, then there is only one explanation and that is total market manipulation.

TD9 on so many timeframes has NEVER resulted in continuation like this in any normal market.
If TD9 had been invalidated on different TFs, then it would be a valid sign for continuation, but instead TD9 popped a 9 count on all these timeframes (and many lower 30m, 15m TD9 signals in the meantime).

I know that CME is trying to fill its gap, but this is quite far reaching.
You can use TD9 and backtest markets and you'll never see a situation where TD9 pops on so many TFs and then continues its movement in the same direction.

Something is very very fishy here.
Another indicator that something is really wrong, is looking at the other coins that are typically very tightly tied to BTC: ETH, XRP, etc.
They are not moving above resistances. While BTC is.

This is very very strange market movement.
Perhaps it is best to get out of this short and wait for CME to do its business manipulating the market to close its gap. I am pretty firmly viewing that as the only reason we are not dumping right now.
I only entered a high 92xx short and did not fill my high 93xx shorts, so I will look for manual exit over the next 4h candle.

I will look for another short at 98xx level where CME gap needs to get filled.

The VOLUME on this movement upwards is also very low across all exchanges; and declining.

There is NOTHING that shows this to be valid normal market movement and all indicators are just going crazy.
We are in a bearish trend on ichimoku which is one of the most (if not THE most) accurate indicators for trend and resistance/support.

This market action defies all TA. Best to avoid being in any trade right now.
Usually if BTC is surging I would look at taking an earlier entry long in ETH, but even that isnt viable as ETH cant break 200 while BTC just keeps going up.
Same thing with XRP. hardly holding onto 0.20 so thats not a good long either.

This is madness!
Madness you say?
In the move down we did earlier (the 15% dump), we also had a TD9 signal BUY which quickly had a 15-count continuation.

In TD9 analysis, 15 count continuation is the maximum before the signal is invalidated.
(meaning that the 16th candle in the movement is the candle that triggers reversal)

We are currently looking like we are showing a developing 16th candle reversal on the 3h. However if it doesnt happen, I will look to exit this short.

Also here on the 4h we have TD9 with continuation (so far only 11 count)

And here on 1h we have TD9 which was invalidated because of overshoot / over-continuation.

And just developing right now we even have a TD9 popping on 2h!!

If that closes, we will have 1h, 2h, 3h, 4h TD9 synchronized.
I have never seen all these TFs line up a TD9 signal like this before at the same time.
If this doesnt reverse it is 100% proof positive of complete market manipulation.

Every other indicator favors a weak failed bullish move in a bearish trend (obv/ma200 is bearish trend, volume is low, ichi cloud shows bearish trend and rejection of upper cloud resistance).

Cmon already wth is the point of TA if it doesnt work......?!
Oh yeah I forgot the .618 fib retracement which we are literally hanging under right now as well:

Oh wait theres more.
The previous 4h TD9 SELL ceiling is also lined up almost exactly with the .618 fib retracement of the move that FOLLOWED it......


As TA goes this is 100% beautiful perfect market movement, but only if we reverse as we are supposed to right now, otherwise all this perfect indication is just useless in crypto because the whole market is completley manipulated.

At the VERY least we need to reverse and test support for an s/r flip at 9200-9000 level.
Trade closed manually
got a small loss manual exit on the dip, which had very little sell volume so felt pretty clear we werent going down

about 30m later it did go up and break 9400 so gladly took -0.5% loss on this trade.


all the altcoins are not even reacting so this is clearly 100% btc pump by some market makers. the one we know is doing this is CME, though could also be others.

complete. obvious. CME. fake pump.
that'll teach me never to trade against CME gaps!

no volume.
every single indicator flashing sell.
bearish trend.
.........frikkin CME is a very powerful market maker.
last dip touched a whole bunch of lines.
a previous TD9 ceiling; ichi tenkan; the downtrend line; and even the .382 fib.

then it bounced back up to .236 fib.
i think we should probably see more down time now that cme is finished pumping.
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