... ladder for a total of 2.17 in credit.

Notes: 30-day implied at 39.47% with expiry-specific implied at 43.4%, 42.9%, and 43.4% for November, December, and January, respectively. Current yield of 6.71%, so am fine with taking on shares and covering or just keeping the premium.
Trade active
Adding in some January at the 24 strike, for a .74 credit on this weakness and with IV remaining high (30-day at 42.6%). Total credits collected: 2.91.
Trade active
With 30 day at 45.3% and expiry-specific at 42.1%, adding in some February at the 23 strike for a .61 credit on continued weakness. Total credits collected of 3.52.
Trade active
Going out to March to sell some more 23's for .87 (17 delta), which is around the 2020 lows, with 30-day at 48.9% and expiry-specific at 44.0%. Total credits collected of 4.39.
Trade active
Out of the November 28P for .11 today; scratch at 4.28 with the resulting setup: December 18th 27P/January 15th 24P/January 15th 26P/February 19th 23P/March 19th 23P.
Trade active
Out of the December 27P for .08; the January 24P for .14; the January 26P for .15; the February 23P for .18; and the March 19th 23P for .19. Total credits received of 4.28 - .08 -.14 -.15 -.18 -.19 = 3.54 ($354) total profit.
Beyond Technical AnalysispremiumsellingshortputladderXLE
