New Area for XLF @ > 25 USD at least (historical context)

By Devise2Day
What a rollercoaster the financilas got - no doubt :)
How ever, based on some strategic facts (point of views) i realized that the financial sector still got time and room to prices above 25 at least. Why ??? The Sentiment changed !!! And not only this - of course politics in the US too. And this is probably the most inflous - the most bullish factor !? CNBC Joe (Squaqck Box) said an interesting set which not tasted good at first, but as longer i am thinking about it, it`s sounding plausible: "Maybe we don`t see a Trump Rally !? Maybe it`s an Obama recreation" (he said this set not word by word - in context of course - don`t nail me for this quote). And thats what i am also starting to believe. It`s much more an recovery of the last 8 years - even under Obama (and his policy in context to the financial markets) - even in relations to the US Equities (Financials & Energy Sector).

I am not an political analysis or even political expert,

but this hypothesis makes sense in historical context of the chart!
And that`s the reason why i am so pretty optimistic - kosher confident (self-disciplined) not euphoric bullish. `Cause i can`t feel maniac future optimism around me - not here in chats, not on other intenet sites, not on CNBC or BloombergTv and by no one of my trading buddies.

  • 2400 at least for the SPX are in (over Christmas into Trumpe Presidency start)
  • 25 at least for the XLF are in (over Christmas into Trumpe Presidency start)

Take care
& analyzed it again
- it`s always your decission ...
(for a bigger picture zoom the chart)

Best regards
