XLM - Lumen has great momentum and a Stellar partner with.....

I love momentum stocks and though the whole market in general is on fire, lumen has had consistent momentum since mid September! Now I added some when I sold off some XRP the other day, and I added more this morning after we pushed through the top of wave 3. We could easily see a 200-300% return from here before pulling back for the start of wave V.

Lumen competes with ripple and I love this space, and there is plenty of room for both. Now they do not have the powerhouse "wall-street" board that Ripple does, but they are far from shabby by any means. A former executive from square and looks like half the MIT graduating class of 2013. Keep in mind many times it is not the first to market that succeeds, its the second or third. Case in point, Apple' MSFT' and Amazon'.

So what separates Stellar from Ripple?
They are loaded up with MIT', and after watching the interview with the expert from MIT' on CNBC, and hearing about how MIT tested of IOTA's code, I was sold on MIT being a leader in this space from an educational standpoint. But Ripple has been marketing hard and getting banks on board at an alarming rate. Over 100 at this point, and they recently added American Express. Ok sounds like I am making a case for ripple, but.... well I am! Emotions aside the market clearly favors ripple, but will ripple outperform in the long term? I'm not so sure and here's why!

I will not get into the software side of things as I really have no clue on which code is better and quite frankly better does not always mean more profitable. What got me interested was Stellar's partnership with IBM, but what really got my attention was their partnership with Deloitte. Now many of you new to investing probably never even heard of this company. This company has been around since the industrial revolution! Since the civil war quite frankly. They one of the largest international companies providing accounting, tax and consulting services world wide probably did work for JP' Morgan himself! But "partner" means nothing UNTIL.... I looked on their website under blockchain initiative and there it was STELLAR! BOOM!

So while Ripple is fishing with a rod-reel, Stellar is casting nets! IBM' has a huge reach into fortune 500 companies as well and I do not want to discount that, but Deloitte is huge! I know everyone hates big blue, but they have a great foundation of blue-chips companies they serve.

Excuse me why I buy more Stellar!

Bottom line. If there is room for Samsung and Apple' there is room for Ripple and Stellar. Why guess which one will be the next Amazon, own both.

Now keep in mind we sold 1/3 of our position in Ripple on the previous run and with that we have bought an equal amount of XLM', and had enough money left over for dinner last night. This is why investors outperform traders in the long term. We are into both for less than 10 cents a share!
Appears that we are approaching the target level after a nice strong move last night. I am not selling or trying to short here but will be looking to add if we get a significant pullback. Could go the way of XRP and head higher non-stop.

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