Trading idea for XLM/BTC LONG - Current price 0.00005433 Sats.

By tekolo
The graph is self-explanatory.

In the 1 day chart Tenkan Sen crossed above the Kijun Sen, it is a bullish signal. Because, this type of buy signal occurred above the Kumo (cloud) we can be confident that it is a strong bullish signal.

Significant levels of resistance near the cross are showed in the graph. Kumo sentiment is clearly bullish

MACD buy signal occurred yesterday and the trend remain strong. Histogram bars are showing a healthy increase in prices in progress.

RVGI buy signal occurred 10 days ago and it is validating our others observations and give us confidence about the bullish trend.

RSI is above the 50 level. This corresponds to the "bullish" zone. However, there is not overbought in the price. Then bullish trend continuation is a factible possibility.

Buy: In a correction in 3 hours chart
Take-profit: ~ 0.0008400
Warning! You should not invest more than 10% of your available capital to trade.
DASH: XhjuDAxmMYeUNoxDfa6PNM83efKoXfmfpC
Order cancelled
XLM is currently in a horizontal channel, if you bought when T and K crossed each other has not made a bad entry, but you should watch closely how this market develops.
Ichimoku CloudRelative Strength Index (RSI)Relative Vigor Index (RVGI)Trend Analysis
