Monero. The dark side, who rises when bubbles burst?

About one year ago Monero started a wild Rally.
It timed right after hacks/thefts (theDAO, ETC, Bitfinex theft and ETC margin settlements )
- and with the resulting bitcoin crash.

And it was the main/only annoymity supporting currency.
(Now there is also ZEC and more to come.) "Alphabay" supporting Monero helped it too....

Recently Alphapay was taken down and annoymous bitcoin exchange BTC-e was taken down too.

Now will only more funds seek Monero's annoymity or will anyone leave Monero too?

I'm long for the moment and maybe stay open end for a big run.
But i suggest trailing stop and care.

One more thought: Let's assume the % of "bad" activities in fiat would be 5%. In Crypto 6% now but 4% in future But more maybe 10% in Monero and who knows what happens in future. I wonder if this should make us trade more carefully?

alphabayBeyond Technical Analysisbtc-edashmoneroTrend AnalysisxmrXMRBTCxmrusdXMRUSDTzec
