XRP | A Tale of Two Forks

By FudBox
They say "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned", (a misquotation from English playwright William Congreve (1670-1729)). Had XRP been around during those times, Mr. Congreve would probably have used her as a focal point for unbridled and reactionary contempt instead. Long or short, the probability of getting rekt is quite high with XRP but if you understand what she is then you're much safer on the long side if you DCA and know that the likelihood of her coming back around is pretty high.

Philosophy aside, we all like convergences and high probability so what I've found is that if you can find common areas of interest, she'll play nice with you.

I see two plausible forks in conjunction with a Fib channel down and then lastly (least reliable of the the three) a Gartley as icing on the cake. Take into account OBV as an oscillator, then she looks like a fascinating bird indeed.

If you take the overlapping and most common areas of interest then you can comfortably estimate a DCA long entry. I personally like XRP at the areas where we see the following:

1. midline of down fork
2. bottom channel of up fork
3. the 618 Fib level on the down channel
4. "C" on the Gartley
5. 50 EMA as resistance
6. VPFR mean as resistance
7. OBV as a measure of being oversold

Again, a DCA long won't hurt too much if you end up crossing her since, like any decent hurricane season, she's likely to come back around at some point.

Have fun with her but respect her or you'll get the wrath yo :)

As always, * * * Not Investment Advice * * *

Stay frosty my friends.
Trade active
Check out SPX, could be a bounce. Since SPX rubs off on Bitty, all crypto could bounce on this. I'm gonna long a small bag, see where it goes. snapshot
Trade active
See above SPX idea . . snapshot
Trade closed: target reached
