XRT Bearish inclined naked calls 16 Sep expiry

By Ronin_trader
Whats The Plan/Trade/Thought
  • I’ve been looking at the retail sector especially since the consumer willingness to spend has been shifting to services/ experiences and entertainment.
  • Household cleaning, groceries, pets, alcohol, recreational vehicles all have seen drops in spend from Q1 2022 to Q2 2022
  • Walmart has also started laying off people and have also seen a shift in consumer purchase behaviours due to inflation and pandemic lifestyle changes. I believe retails companies have already started becoming defensive

    Risk Mitigation
  • There is a key S&R line at 73.02 and the final one at 75.72. Once we see break throughs on these we will need to close

    Imagine Yourself Taking The Other Side
  • With the market becoming bullish since Mid May - June (NASDAQ & S&P). I think taking a bullish position is also possible in the short term. However besides market movement and a dropping oil price, I don’t see how the original bear situation has changed.

    Look For New Information
  • What am I rejecting the current bull run, which is does make me uncomfortable
  • Next week we have earnings from Walmart, Home Depot, Target, Lowe’s, Bath & Body works. If I had remembered this I would not have entered

    How Do I Feel Now
  • Uncomfortable

    Trade Specs
  • Sold 110 Calls @ 0.42
  • Strike 80
  • % to Strike 11.94%
  • BP Used: 83K
  • Max Gain: 4620
Trade closed: target reached
Beyond Technical Analysisoptions-strategyXRT
