Verge on the precipice of an inv h&s golden cross combo breakout

I did not mark this idea long or short....we are simply on the precipice of either a huge bullish move for verge or a massive bulltrap fakeout. if btc breaks upward then xvg will likely trigger this inverted head and shoulder breakout which would lead to a golden cross on verge on the 1 day chart which has a breakout bull target of an over 50% increase, but if bitcoin breaks down it will be both a fakeout of the inverted head and shoulder pattern and likely the golden cross as well
see the blue line directly above the inverted head and shoulder pattern? thats the 1 day 200ma and we can see it already dealt a firm rejection to the priceaction earlier so which always increases the likelihood of a fakeout..not wise to buy verge here unless you see a breakout that flips the 200ma from resistance to support and also solidifies it as support as well if that happens and you see bitcoin have a bullish breakout too then its probably wise to enter a position on verge but until then expect a fakeout. Inverted head and shoulder patterns in a bear market are usually patterns painted by the bearwhales to set the ultimate bulltrap fakeouts with *not financial advice but simply self advice that anyone else is allowed to consider* thanks for reading!
200maANDBeyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternsgoldencrossHEADinvertedshoudlersTrend AnalysisvergexvgXVGBTC
