YM1! & DXY @ Weekly @ "operating under cloud of uncertainty"

By Devise2Day
"it`s been a long time as we`re coming" & "theres no turning back now ..."
(youtube.com/watch?v=dKSJN3WWR3E) as the blues - under the clintons (with their fake code red policy) takin over the US - after the cold war! By the way, paint it on the wall , if u don`t wanna buying it ;) After Bush junior and Obama, meanwhile Trump will be right red president, with the best result since years !!! More isn`t possible, hardly !!! The takin` over spoils my imagination (youtube.com/watch?v=HKQCz9JCooI) also :flushed: ...

How ever, enough (true red or even fake blue) raps - let me show you a few calculations :P
DXY raised just less than 3% & the YM1! just less 8% - last two years! Form this point of view (bigger picture - even takin over of the republicans while the midterm elections and last president elections) we can`t talk from a rally! It`s much more somthing like a come out from the blue water under Obama & this all Anti WalLStreet Movement (under Sanders). If the republicans (under Trump) the market not disappointed - lower taxes, better jobs & more fiscal stimulus - and the fed (under Yellen) don`raise the rates to fast 2017, the market is starting to anticipating and prisíng this (future) in. "No trace of euphoria - Rather, relief that we`re in power back again. And this more powerfull as we all were able to imagine!" But let`s leave that left behind, that topic we already had ;)

Take care
& analyzed it again
- it`s always your decission ...
(for a bigger picture zoom the chart)

This is only a big picture analysis - no recommendation !!!
Buying/Selling or even only watching is always your own responsibility ...

Best regards
the red horicontal line manifests the time between midterm elections`14 and even presidental elections`16
