Monero market cap is about $4'000'000'000
Zcash market cap is about $1'000'000'000
Monero going from to $245 to $80 would remove 70% of the capital. If we did a though experiment, that the sellers of Monero decided to buy Zcash, that would mean that Zcash all the sudden had a market cap at very roughly $4'000'000'000. But for existing Zcash owners to sell their coins there would be a sluggishness in the overall market agreeableness to come up with a fair market value for ZCASH for a while, during the chaos. So 4 times current ZCASH value wouldn't be such a good bargain any longer to sell your dearly aquired ZCASH coins due to the high volume of willing buyers. So how high would the price go in such a scenario? Maybe close to that attraction point at... $2400. Maybe that's to be considered fair market value if such a situation would unfold. At least for a short while.