ZN - JPY/DXY - Trouble in Asia

By HK_L61
With DX Strength coming from the JPY Pair...

The Red Swan continues to build from our months
long indicated Vector - China.

The CCP announced they will only bail out Domestics.
ETF Passives hold, indirectly, a far larger stake in
China's Economy then is openly acknowledged.

Never has the South China Sea - been this active

TSML... in questions as to how that evolves.

The 6e is weak, very weak. It has yet to break the
.382s on RTs.

FX dislocations, as indicated - are here.

8 AM EST will set the tone trade for the Longer End
of the Bond Curve.

ZB has been far more reliable in providing indications
as to how Participants are positioning.

The Flight to Bond Safety is coming into question again
as Bond Holders are challenging the FED's narrative:

"There is no Inflation IF we remove it from our Models"

Genius Jerome, there are some statements during the press
conference... He should simply give up on these PR stunts.

They have become a complete and total F A R C E

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