Fromt the Vault of Zapperman: Strategy #201 "The Cruise Ship"

By jerbear45
Here is a fun strategy, similar to the prior one I posted, using similar indicators, but in an entirely different way with a different set of trading rules. Last time I discussed a couple of trading rules, one of which Tradingview will not support due to Pine can't query for spread (which hopefully gets resolved soon as spread is a critical factor when entering and exiting a trade). This is one of the Alpha test strategies that will be included in the beta software release wjich encompasses over 400 custom technical indicators and ATSs. The two key factors when I design and develop an ATS are its profitability and its Max Draw down. Nothing else really matters as if draw down puts you in the risk of being stopped out by the brokers on Forex, or if its net profits are not showing the upside we deserve for putting the time and effort into building a strategy, then its not a good strategy and I go back to the drawing board...sometimes it takes well over a year just to design the strategy, let alone code it, test it, tune the parameters for each single chart on every time frame completely independent of each other, then what you may notice is from broker to broker, you have to completely re-tune every strategy from scratch - this discrepancy is a bit bizarre to me, as it should all be standardized and compared against the Thompson Reuters feed, however, apparently brokers are not doing adequate verification of the market feeds.

On another topic, we can make a lot of profits "arbing" on the crypto exchanges with an automated arbing bot, however, for FOREX, that is a different story. Arbitrage for FOREX I typically use to compare the spread at the time of market entry and exit, and record precisely what the price is at entry and exit, the precise time of day, and the spread (delta between the bid and the ask). In FOREX, unlike Crypto, we have no idea who is taking the other side of the trade, this should be a disclosure, because often times if you catch a trade error and go to the broker, the broker blames it on the liquidity pool, and when you ask for the name of the liquidity pool, you are met with a disturbing answer that it is confidential information. As such, because the large scale ATS system we are currently building, we will also include a real-time arbitrage recording of every single trade stored into an SQL server, then compared against several brokers. For example, say you take a trade on the EURUSD and enter the trade with a spread of 5 then upon exit you noticed the spread was 35. Go and look at 5 other brokers and see what their spread was at that exact time of exit. If you can show the average for the other brokers was, say around 10, at the time of exit, then you need to file a claim with your broker, and if they tell you we don't see an issue - report it to the CFTC and let them sort it out. There are many things you need to look out for as a trader, I have been trading for many years, and developing ATSs for a long time, why I have so many of them thoroughly tested and as you can see they work rather well. A good way to test a back tester is to do so in real-time, and this is why I love tradingview. With Poloniex, I can actually link the Poloniex account to TV, and watch the strategy tester and when it gives me the buy signal, either manually enter it, or compare it against the ported ATS using the API from Poloniex and those trades will show up in TV. Then just look at the buy/exit trades and profits and compare to the back tester. Thus far I have been pleasantly surprised that the delta is +/-1.5% Maximum which is within an acceptable range of error. Our beta software will encompass all of the above. If you got in for the beta, you made a very wise decision! We are working day and night non-stop to create the most advanced sophisticated ATS system for FOREX, Crypto, Stocks, you name it. Tradingview has some limitations, but it has many amazing advantages over anything else I tried.

Beyond Technical AnalysisChart PatternsTechnical Indicators
