Who owns or controls the majority of Ukraine's arable land?
Over 28% (9 million hectares) is owned by Monsanto (now part of Bayer), the sovereign fund of Saudi Arabia, NHC capital (US private equity), Kopernik, BNP, Vanguard, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the World Bank.
The remainder are in the hands of various oligarchs who are fully indebted to Western banks and through those to US pension funds.
The new ownership changes became possible due to Zelenskyy's 2020 "land reform law" which was staunchly opposed by Ukrainian academics, farmers and by the general population. The 2020 land reform law created a "mandatory land market" which enabled western interests to consolidate ever larger chunks of Ukrainian farm land in ever fewer (foreign) hands.
In addition, the EU has recently past a mandate to disallow the inspection or labeling of all Ukrainian food products (including grains) regarding their origin or content - "in order to support Ukraine's war effort".
In short, after cutting off Europe from cheap Russian energy sources and making it fully energy dependent on US interests, Europe's food dependency now also seems a fait accompli. (The 3 basic needs of humans being; Food, shelter, energy; "2 out of 3 ain't bad!". One just wonders what are US plans regarding the buildings and other physical structures, currently still on European soil. A) Take them apart and transport them to America, brick by brick or B) A better solution might be just to fence off the place and start selling tickets to it as a Jurrasic Park.)
p.s. While ever more peoples appear to hope for US imperial, hegemonic power to ebb, due to internal strife or other hurdles to US interests nevertheless, it also appears that the Empire marches on just fine, if anything, gaining it's stride in the process.