The inflation trade is not dead! It has just started.

The inflation trade is not over. People's lives, in particular in the US, are about to deteriorate significantly. Or rather improve, with food getting more expensive and people forced to live more simple lives, more in touch with nature. The official measures and consensus will say deteriorate.

Traders positions have bottomed in the strict sense, with the price "bottoming" but not really as the price bounced.

If you look at the charts there was a similar price pattern recently

You might say the price hasn't already taken into account the wage costs and workers not going to work because they get welfare. Or you might say maybe it has. At the same time maybe farmers are getting undeclared workers with all the migrants? Either way you know what? The majority of institutions and their economists have an irrational bias in favor of the government and I don't think they are fully pricing what they should be pricing. And since the dramatic events in Afghanistan that irrational bias in favor of has been hit very hard, so maybe now they can stop being emotional and start actually pricing things more correctly. Plus on top of that if the issue of minimum wage has not fully impacted the price well it will add additional fuel to the rocket ship.

The US has reduced its oil output but recently it has begged the OPEP+ to increase their production and keep prices low. Maybe it will beg the farmers soon? There are a lot of farmers on below living wage here in west Europe especially France where the state says no no to scaling up "we want only small family businesses" but yes yes to cheap imports from huge industrial complexes in Romania. The price of Soybeans is close to ATH, but nowhere near inflation adjusted ATH. Maybe our local farmers will be able to have decent profits (the average is 14,000 a year I think, not even minimum wage, and not counting debts, and it's not a 9 to 5 job obviously there are no weekends), I will be glad if the price goes up. Not sure about how much they make they might be lobbying I don't know. And stdev is big of course.

Volume is also at its lowest, was, until this week. The inflation trade has been forgotten, the herd has been reassured by the FED. No one is paying attention. This is the typical bear market bottom. Maximum opportunity. The herd (pros) will join when there is a breakout and certainty in the move and it's almost over (or not who knows). The herd of retail will never buy because they don't trade this so don't expect a bubble like sugar in the 70s, but who knows...

The price of the lumber christmas tree has fully retraced! Maybe people that were holding off their house purchases are going to buy now. One the info reaches them I guess...

The liars can continue their nonsense reassuring speeches, and gullible fools will eat it up, but factually the printing is way more important now than it was before. Before M1 went up 50% in 7 years, about 5% a year, and that was already a bit crazy and alarmed the perma bears such as Peter Schiff, it even alarmed bankers and bureaucrats writting reports for the government. But now it's going up 20% in just 1 year! Not counting the big covid increase here, I'm just measuring the small line at an angle of 37° shown here:



The promises are wind carrying waves.

The chart is where the real info is. It has been going up faster and faster for 20 years. It will continue until it goes vertical and collapses like the bubbling pyramid scheme it is. Peter Schiff called it! Their only way to get out of this mess is to print EVEN MOAR. Until it all blows up.

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

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