Food prices to keep getting cheaper [+Photosynthesis tuto]

By MrRenev
Seems like an easy prediction.
With rising levels of CO2 agri prices will keep going down.
And I guess interest in soft commodity futures will keep going down.
Especially noobs, they could not care less, they want to chase the next high tech big thing that will make them rich, er typo I mean that will make them lose their shirt. Statistically they are better off playing lottery or going to the casino.

Until we run out of fertilizers (At current consumption levels, we will run out of known phosphorus reserves in around 80 years, but consumption will not stay at current levels). Unless we replace those by a new type of fertilizer OR find more phosphorus. Brace yourselves for yet a new mass hysteria clownery "the world will end soon because we will run out of phosphorus".
Remember "we will run out of water" "world will get overpopulated" "co2 will cause mass extinctions" "acid rains will destroy everything" and so on.
I think fertilizers support half of the planet population, this means they double yields.

And CO2 increased yields by something like 20% I think.

I can 100% guarentee without a single doubt there will be a "science settled very serious" mass hysteria fear about fertilizers (P) levels getting low in the future lmao.

This is what plants need:

Plants also need magnesium and sulfur. Not sure what else.
I think they can synthesize all vitamins from C H O N but I really don't know for sure. I just know those are the typical atoms in vitamins.

Expressed in dollars, the monetary benefit:

An extract:

I think that to produce 1kg of grain something like 100 liters of water is required.
Just because that's how it has been for centuries does not mean it is "normal".
If one is actually able to think out of his little box and little dogmas, he would realize agriculture uses huge amounts of water, and also, many plants (C4 type - not to be mistaken with the explosives) have even evolved to be more water efficient and to survive with very little CO2. I think also when you measure the CO2 around crops during the day you notice they sucked it all up (concentration is down a big amount maybe 50%).

So anyway, as CO2 goes up, plants will use less water (or use the same amount to grow bigger).

There is going to be possibly new plants evolve, the old world plants will make a comeback, and alot more but I'll save this for another idea.

The CO2 famine is over for plants they're going to take over.

Here is corn & sugar:

I don't know how agr companies work...
Better productivity means they get more productive? But prices drop so they make less?
They probably are undervalued right? At least compared to high tech for sure.

Of course this is all cancelled if primitive monkeys of abysmal stupidity remove CO2 from our atmosphere "to save the planet".
agricultureBeyond Technical Analysisco2cropsgrainssoftcommoditiesTrend Analysis
