BTC FFT super cycles - Dephasing model!This is not a target, it's just the last rope which gonna hold the next Cycle!
The buyers/sellers resultant= 0 is our next support bottom (We have time but keep it in mind ;) ).
The new rope itself could be the resistance aswell but it will mean nobody care of the BTC anymore, then a last intermediary resistance in the node (buyers = sellers) is my most likely target for bottom (Once you see the existing rope break on after the other).
Nb: Don't imagine BTC cycle with one period and one frequency but plenty with new one coming to complexify the equation in every cycle! It's more complicate than a W our a Diamands pattern than everybody try to sell you on Twitter ;)! The market is dephasing with different kind of buyers, sellers which all belong to a frequential waves system based on for example day/night, Kondratiev cycle, institution market closure, futur, payday...IA bot. Soon it will be unreadable in Micro market by too many variables and finally perhaps people will stop speaking about "manipulate market".
FFT - Price doesn't survive above brushwood Phase shift between harmonics from same price tendency or rope had been already explained.
But multiplicate the harmonics phase split by the number of different trend rope and you plot the resultant of each. You have now a "3D" model of phase where the rope not connected to the market by amplitude doesn't affect anymore the market price by depreciation (Elasticity of the market generates a gap with a cement base btw the elastic mastress).
As the next rope (a huge on) coming with its own huge short/pump waves harmonics army is far (arround 325$), the price need to find back a support from waves oscillating arround ropes which couldn't catch up the trend. Correction is likely to happen :)!