Capital Upgrades $JO to Strong Conviction BuyRunning Alpha Sentiment Intelligence is currently indicating that the Coffee market is turning the corner iminently -- look for a massive rally from here into 2017. Nominated for the 2016 Benzinga Fintech Awards this May in New York City, RunningAlpha is dedicated to providing actionable intelligence.
Stable Alpha Generating Portfolio Yielding 4%If you want protection from a market correction, but want to still generate some profits without going short, or long consider a balanced portfolio of two slightly negatively correlated but stable ETFs. PBP writes call options and collects premiums to the tune of 4%. MNM holds municiopal bonds which yield about 3.7%. When one goes up the other comes down and so in combination the portfolio is true market neutral with very little volitility.
Historically a 12% variation can be seen, with a few sudden drops and a recovery that takes about a year or so. I recomment stop lossing MLN in case the Fed action does something crazy with this ETF.