SPOT - My Mom Says I Have A short Bias...hmmm...Most of my Charts I analyze are currently showing a short setup. Mom says I'm shorting the whole world.
However, here's another one, just to keep the streak going. §8-)
Spotify is at the U-MLH = At the upper extreme.
The next natural move should be down to the Centerline.
Since I have no magic wand to show me the Future, I lean on my stats and my experience.
Shorting Spotify down to the Centerline or getting stopped out abve the U-MLH.
Simple (...but not easy ;-) )
...have to run, Mom calls for Dinner.
Andrew's Pitchfork
Median Lines and Finding the Right Path When it comes to learning about markets and trading, finding the right path and committing to it is the hardest part. The right path has little to do with any technical analysis method. It has to do with structuring our mental framework so that we fundamentally change how we experience markets, trading, and loss.
In the video, I show some Median Line and Action/Reaction work but this work is useless by itself. No tool is good or bad, they are just tools we use to comprehend markets. The problem arises when the tools start using us and we think there is some kind of magic to them.
The essence of our strategy should be to structure our methods and mindset towards functionality. The journey we should commit to is one marked by fostering accountability and responsibility in all our actions. The swing trade Idea I show, takes method and structures it into function.
The trading landscape in the 21st century is characterized by a revolutionary fusion of cutting-edge technology and financial acumen. As the accessibility of trading increases, traders wield a versatile suite of tools that encompass chart patterns, Fibonacci retracements, Andrews' pitchfork, and the Zig Zag indicator. This in-depth exploration delves into the profound significance of these tools, unraveling their collective potential to empower proactive traders with precision, insight, and strategic advantage.
The Evolution of Modern Trading Tools:
The digital age has ushered in a new era of trading prowess, where rapid data flows and advanced software solutions redefine the boundaries of trading. Enabled by the synergy of computers, high-speed internet, and sophisticated charting software, traders enjoy real-time access to data analytics and market trends. Within this realm, a rich repository of tools is available, catering to traders' diverse needs with heightened precision and predictive power.
Chart Patterns : Deciphering Market Sentiment:
Chart patterns occupy a pivotal role as visual conduits of market psychology and price action trends. From classic formations like double bottoms to iconic patterns like head and shoulders, these visual representations encapsulate historical price movements and inform future price dynamics. Proactive traders leverage chart patterns to anticipate pivotal reversals and breakout points, weaving together historical trends and human behavioral insights into actionable trading strategies.
Fibonacci Retracements: Unveiling Harmonious Ratios:
At the nexus of mathematics and trading, Fibonacci retracements harmonize the natural ratios discovered by Leonardo of Pisa, known as Fibonacci. These ratios, including the Golden Ratio (0.618) and its derivatives, echo natural proportions that echo throughout nature and financial markets. Traders utilize these retracements to identify potential support and resistance levels, choreographing entry and exit points with a mathematical precision that complements market intuition.
Andrews' Pitchfork: Sculpting Market Trends:
From the annals of technical analysis emerges Andrews' pitchfork—a tool that imparts structure to market trends. Crafted by Dr. Alan Andrews, this method employs three pivotal price points to map out potential trend channels, identify support and resistance zones, and navigate the ebb and flow of market movements. Proactive traders harness this tool's prowess to create strategies that thrive within these discernible channels.
Zig Zag Indicator : Distilling Price Trends:
Navigating the labyrinthine price chart is simplified by the Zig Zag indicator—a tool designed to eliminate market noise and elucidate significant price movements. This indicator employs precise highs and lows to create lines that showcase trends with clarity, ensuring that traders are privy to substantial trends while disregarding minor fluctuations. In this manner, the Zig Zag indicator becomes a beacon amidst market complexity.
A Synergistic Trading Arsenal:
The amalgamation of chart patterns, Fibonacci retracements, Andrews' pitchfork, and the Zig Zag indicator engenders a holistic trading approach of unparalleled potency. While chart patterns unveil market psychology, Fibonacci retracements contribute mathematical precision, Andrews' pitchfork orchestrates trend analysis, and the Zig Zag indicator distills trends from noise, thus harmonizing a comprehensive trading strategy.
In an era marked by unceasing innovation, success in trading is predicated upon the adept utilization of a multifaceted toolset. The amalgamated prowess of chart patterns, Fibonacci retracements, Andrews' pitchfork, and the Zig Zag indicator constitutes a comprehensive arsenal that empowers traders with foresight, precision, and strategic edge. As the 21st-century trading milieu continues its evolution, mastery over these tools remains pivotal, transforming the intricate dynamics of financial markets into a realm of opportunity and achievement.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - US100 H1 - Neutral baseAnalysis
- Black: D1 long forks (median line)
- Red: H4 long fork (lower parallel). Previous week's levels.
- Orange: H1 long weak fork. Previous day's levels.
- Yellow: m15 long fork (median line).
- Institutional investors are leaving the market.
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- Weak long and neutral base.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - US30 H1 - LongAnalysis
- Black: D1 long fork (between the lower parallel and the upper parallel).
- Red: H4 long fork (upper parallel). Pevious week's levels.
- Orange: H1 long fork (between the lower and the sliding parallel). Pevious day's levels.
- Yellow: m15 long fork (over the lower parallel).
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- Short correction, long trend. If the H1 fork breaks it is short. Target is the median line of the H4 long fork.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - UsdJpy H1 - ShortAnalysis
- Black: D1 long fork (between the median line and the upper parallel)
- Red: There is no H4 fork. Previous week's levels
- Orange: H1 short fork (over the lower parallel). Previous day's levels.
- Institutional investors are leaving the market.
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- Long correction and short trend. If the H1 fork breaks, it is long. The range market has a great chance.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - EurJpy H1 - ShortAnalysis
- Black: D1 long fork (between the upper parallel and the median line)
- Red: There is no H4 fork. Previous week's levels
- Orange: H1 short weak fork (over the upper parallel). Previous day's levels.
- Institutional investors are leaving the market.
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- Long correction and short trend. If the H1 fork falls, it is long. The range market has a great chance.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - CadJpy H1 - ShortAnalysis
- Black: D1 long fork (between the median and the upper parallel)
- Red: H4 short strait fork (over the upper parallel). Previous week's levels.
- Orange: H1 short fork (over the upper parallel). Previous day's levels.
- Institutional investors are leaving the market.
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- Long correction, short trend. If the H1 fork falls, it is long. The range market has a great chance.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - AudJpy H1 - ShortAnalysis
- Black: D1 trend long fork (between the median line and the lower parallel)
- Red: H4 short fork (upper parallel). Previous week's levels.
- Orange: There is no H1 fork. Previous day's levels.
- Institutional investors are leaving the market.
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- Long correction, short trend. If the H4 fork falls, it is long. The range market has a great chance.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - US100 H1 - LongAnalysis
- Black: D1 long forks (median line)
- Red: H4 long fork (lower parallel). Previous week's levels.
- Orange: There is no H1 fork. Previous day's levels.
- Yellow: m15 short fork.
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- If the m15 fork is break it is long. Target is the middle and the bottom of the H4 fork.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - US30 H1 - LongAnalysis
- Black: D1 long fork (between the lower parallel and the upper parallel)
- Red: H1 long fork (upper parallel). Pevious week's levels.
- Orange: H1 long fork. Pevious day's levels.
- Blue: m15 speculative fork.
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- Short correction, long trend. If the H1 fork breaks it is short.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - UsdJpy H1 - LongAnalysis
- Black: D1 long fork (over the lower parallel)
- Red: H4 long fork (over the lower parallel). Previous week's levels
- Orange: H1 short fork (upper parallel). Previous day's levels
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- Short correction and long trend. If the H1 fork breaks, it is long.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - EurJpy H1 - LongAnalysis
- Black: D1 long fork (over the upper parallel)
- Red: There is no H4 fork. Previous week's levels
- Orange: H1 long fork (over the upper parallel). Previous day's levels
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- Short correction and long trend. If the H1 fork falls, it is short.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - CadJpy H1 - LongAnalysis
- Black: D1 long fork (between the median and the upper parallel)
- Red: There is no valid H4 fork yet -red short trendline maybe. Previous week's levels.
- Orange: H1 long fork (median line). Previous day's levels.
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- Short correction, long trend. If the H1 fork falls, it is short.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - AudJpy H1 - LongAnalysis
- Black: D1 trend long fork (between the median line and the lower parallel)
- Red: H4 long fork (lower parallel) and previous week's levels
- Orange: There is no valid H1 fork. Previous day's levels.
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- Short correction, long trend. If the H4 fork falls, it is short
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - US100 H1 - LongAnalysis
- Black: D1 long forks (upper parallel)
- Red: H4 long fork (between the median line and the upper parallel). Previous week's levels.
- Orange: H1 long fork (median line). Previous day's levels.
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- If the H1 fork is break it is short. Target is the middle and the bottom of the H4 fork.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - US30 H1 - ShortAnalysis
- Black: D1 long fork (between the lower parallel and the upper parallel)
- Red: H1 long fork (median line). Pevious week's levels
- Orange: There is no valid H1 fork. Pevious day's levels
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- Long correction, short trend. Target is the bottom of the H4 fork. If the speculative fork breaks target is the top of the H4 fork.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - UsdJpy H1 - ShortAnalysis
- Black: D1 long fork (between the median and the upper parallel)
- Red: H4 long fork (over the lower parallel) and previous week's levels
- Orange: H1 short fork (over the lower parallel) and previous day's levels
- Yellow: m15 short fork (upper parallel)
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- Long correction and short trend. If the m15 fork breaks, it is long. Target is the low of the H1 short fork.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - EurJpy H1 - LongAnalysis
- Black: D1 long fork (median line)
- Red: H4 short fork (over the upper parallel) and previous week's levels
- Orange: H1 long fork (median line) and previous day's levels
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- Short correction and long trend. If the H1 fork falls, it is short. The larger time frame fork, can pull back the price.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - CadJpy H1 - Neutral baseAnalysis
- Black: D1 long fork (between the median and the upper parallel)
- Red: There is no valid H4 fork. Previous week's levels.
- Orange: There is no valid H1 fork. Previous day's levels.
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- There is a neutral base but CadJpy falls on daily, weekly and monthly charts.
Market Frequency - Kite Analysis - AudJpy H1 - Neutral baseAnalysis
- Black: D1 trend long fork (between the median line and the lower parallel)
- Red: H4 long fork (between the median line and the lower parallel) and previous week's levels
- Orange: There is no valid H1 fork. Previous day's levels.
Next move
- Purple: H1 trendlines
- Blue: H1 levels to be retested
- There is a neutral base but AudJpy falls on daily, weekly and monthly charts