Andrew's Pitchfork
SandP 500 E-Mini Futures 60 CME Updated 5/2/2017
Price has shown that 2389 area is a strong resistance area at the moment. We are again at the upper sliding parallel, so we have to see if in fack price will hold here or start to drift lower. We have had 2 retests on the upper parallel of the downward pink median line, so we are showing that price has fruequency as well as price did show fruequency prior an the sliding parallel that is marked. Price may be starting to turn down and go lower.
SandP 500 E-Mini Futures D CME Updated 5/2/2017Price is here stalling at the 2390 area. Look to see if price will roll over and fill the gap from last week. If price is able to get back beneath the action reaction set and show frequency, we may be looking at a larger retrace., but currently we are above it, so still in the trend of the upward blue fork.
SandP 500 E-Mini Futrues 60 CME Updated 5/1/2017Price is starting to show a frequency to the downside on this time frame. Look to see if price holds here or a bit above 2389 and starts to fall, or if price will hold on the sliding parallel. To me it seems on this time frame and this chart, that price should retrace soon, but lets see in the next couple days. The psychology of the market says that price should fill the gap, so I marked a possible move if that were to happen.
SandP 500 E-Mini Futures 60 CME Updated 4/28/2017Price has come down to prior mild support near 2379 area, and is now hitting the sliding parallel support as well. Look to see if price will rise a bit then come down to fill the gap. Price is looking drowsy after its big move up, so I would not be surprised to see this happen.
SandP 500 E-Mini Futures 240 CME Updated 4/28/2017Price has broken the blue middle median line. Look for price to continue lower, and watch far a retest of the upper pink median line. Price may fake out sell orders and try to take it higher to retest 2400, but look for frequency along the upper pink median line for possible short opportunities.
SandP 500 E-Mini Futures 240 CME Updated 4/27/2017Price has come down from resistance near 2389 level. The new down ward pink median line is showing frequency on the middle median line so look to see if price continues to drop, we may hit the middle median line. We have 2 conflicting forks, at this moment, so if price rises to test the uper pink median line, look for wide range bars and rejection to go short.
SandP 500 E-Mini Futures 60 CME Updated 4/27/2017Price is holding on the middle blue median line, but there is hesitation to go higher. Be careful here if you are long, because it looks like price is hesitating. Price had hit the 2387 area there were sell orders there as you can see price had a few large bars there.
SandP 500 E-Mini Futures 60 CME Updated 4/26/2017 Price has come up past the blue middle median line and is now at 2387 area which is resistance. Look to see if price drops a bit from here to the middle blue median line to act as support, or if it continues higher, to the upper median line parallel. 2400 should be strong resistance which is noted on the 240 chart and the Daily chart.
SandP 500 E-Mini Futures 240 CME Updated 4/26/2017Price has broken the middle blue median line and is now at mild resistance. I drew in the action reaction set that is showing the recent frequency to see if we get any more resistance on it come up. We are approaching 2400 which should be a bit hard to break.
SandP 500 E-Mini Futures 60 CME Updated 4/24/2017Price has gaped up over the weekend and has hit the median line at 2375. I switched back to the regular down pink fork to see if price would show frequency on the warning line 1. Price should drop here to the sliding parallel, or fill the gap between 2356 and 2343. Look to see if price shows support on the sliding parallel it could give an entry opportunity.
Una bella sforchettata sull'oro!- Ho applicato la Forca di Andrews sul grafico dell'oro, timeframe daily, l'osservazione che ne esce mi sembra interessante.
- Ho unito il minimo daily (A) con una fase ribassista (punto B e C), il punto D poi ha lasciato intravedere un'ulteriore fase ribassista, ancora più incentivato dai primi risultati delle elezioni francesi.
- Se la candela Daily attuale (24 aprile) dovesse sfondare la MM semplice di Bollinger fino al raggiungimento del punto stimato (E), potrebbe crearsi una bella occasione di acquisto.
- La mia idea è di comprare solo se il prezzo raggiungere il punto E, per poi rivendere al raggiungimento della linea mediana (punto F).
Cosa ne pensate? Può essere un buon ragionamento? Ditemi la vostra! :)