Dogecoin to at Least $0.44 in Early May. Given some favorable astrology happening to Doge in early May, alongside what seems to be like a developing support level of $0.27, if we can hold that support, I expect breaking out to at least the $0.44 range, if not higher, if Elon tweets or something else externally relevant happens.
The planet Mercury influenced the sharp rise and fall of cryptoJust a couple weeks ago, I was reading an article on Medium by Coin Monks about how the planet Mercury going retrograde has dramatically affected the cryptocurrency market in the past. Mercury retrograde is a 3-4 week event that happens 3 times a year in which Mercury appears to be moving backward from the perspective of the Earth. We are just leaving one of these periods.
In several examples from 2017 and 2019, the author shows how prices started climbing sharply in the 3-day "shadow phase" of Mercury retrograde.
Then as soon as Mercury appeared to be moving forward again, prices plummeted back down to support levels that were the resistance levels just before the shadow phase of Mercury retrograde began.
This is exactly what happened in this last month. You can see each of the Mercury phases by hovering over the markers on the chart.
💰🧧 Metal OX 🐂 🏮❤️💰💰💰 ( Year for Softer Metals)This is the second part, I would recommend you watch the First part
So this is t he Year of Softer Metals and our focus will NOT be on Gold. Gold is the 'Hardest metal' for the Financial standards and has already reached all time highs last Year ( last year was also a Metal year but Yang, not Yin!)
In this video we cover:
🏮Silver which is far away from it's price in 1981 (!!!)
🏮Platinum which has been our first pick in January
🏮💰 Lithium which is the definition of a 'soft metal' and was a huge success for us in 2020
🏮 Nickel which we like to invest through an (ETN) exchanged traded note or this Australian beauty 🦘
XTZ By The Moon PhasesI just spent way too long precisely charting the timing of moon cycles for the last 6 weeks over the XTZ chart. What stood out to me right away is how each angled phase of the moon is preceded by a sharp fall in prices. Whether New, 1st quarter, Full, or 3rd quarter...these phases were always associated with a sharp drop. Our upcoming moon phase is new moon on February 11 at 11am PST and I expect we'll see the peak of this upward trend a couple days before, probably on the 8th. Then there will be a huge drop in the couple days before the 11th.
There is a lot of info here on the timing between highs, lows, and lunations if you really want to study it, but the main takeaway is watch out for the 2-3 days preceding the 4 angled phases of the moon because that's when sharp price drops usually happen.
XTZUSD hit highs last 2 Full Moons in Aquarius/LeoStarting just after the January 28, 2020 Full Moon , prices rose sharply in the first big peak. 6 months later just after the August 3, 2020 Full Moon in Leo , prices rose sharply again. Now it is 6 months later just after the Full Moon on January 28, 2021 . The same configuration of the Full Moon on Aquarius/Leo axis squared by Uranus is present again. I expect another sharp rise this coming week up to maybe even $5.50. I'm new to trading altcoin this year but am an experienced astrologer. I'd love some feedback on this idea.