AST Trading AdviceBuy Price: Yellow Line
TP: Green Lines
Moon: White Line
Support: Blue Line
SL: Red Line (I don't recommend you to sell in loss.)
Invest Suggestion: 5-10 Percent
Profit Expectations: 5, 10 or >20 Percent
Just hold and watch. Sell when you get some profit. Good Luck!
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Financial Astrology, DXY, SPY, BTC - first attack of troublesFinancial Astrology has nothing to do with how you can get that Libra you think is so hawt to fall in love with you. It has nothing to do with horoscopes or chicken bones or madame cleo.
Financial Astrology is a study of the longitudinal location of planets in the sky, identifying those angles and recording market behavior and human behavior.
Or, as the great Larry Pesavento put it: Financial Astrology is: "A correlation to the positions of a planet in its orbit to the behavior of the financial markets.'
Important Future Retrograde Cycle
Venus goes retrograde from October 5th to November 16th. Markets, especially equity markets, have a strong probability of being volatile and dangerous during this cycle.
Near Term Danger Zone
There is a collection of really, really crappy and negative things coming up - it's really a collection of suck into a two day period. Anytime you get a whole bunch of astrological phenomena jam packed into a tight date range, yucky things happen (or awesome things happen). In this case, depending on the market(s) you trade - it's really really horrible.
There is a Full Moon on September 24th.
Mercury is in Libra from September 21st - the 24th.
The Moon and Chiron form a Conjunct aspect on September 24th. This aspect blows. At least it doesn't show up that often, but when it does, it's often a pretty yucky market. Fear, rejection and abandonment are the qualities in the market when this beast shows up.
Vesta exits Capricorn on the 24th.
Long story short: But ugly yucky markets until we see some reprieve in December - or at least pause. But real poo doesn't hit the fan until 2020-2021. That's when we get to see total global capitulation. Hooray for panic phases.
Bitcoin Astrology SeptemberObserve and feel wow
I'm not sure what's going to happen but the last time Venus was in a constellation he was exulted in was 4/14, when Venus entered Taurus and we had a bull run. Venus is also exulted in Libra (Venus rules both Libra and Taurus). Libra supposedly is a bearish sign.
This isn't all the astrological aspects that are going on but pivot points in the heavens are significant. perigees and apogees, retrogrades... And Sept has the most of all the year.
I'm novice to this but really enjoy observing how celestial events affect life on Earth. If you're into this type of stuff and want someone to bounce ideas around w then send me a message.
something a vedic astrologer commented about this...
"Taurus lord is Venus, moon is exalted in this Sign. Gives beauty in every manner. Libra is Venus own sign. Both planets play key role in human life for natural pleasure. I assume for next 40 days will be little more pleasant all over the world. Only Rahu in cancer sign and Ketu Aquarius sign, create some depressive circumstances. But far more better than last 150 days."
The CRAZIEST Bitcoin chart you will ever seeBare with me a second while I explain this really quick. But before I do, get out your magic 8 balls, chicken bones and some dice or whatever, cause this is going to get really weird.
I utilize Financial Astrology in my trading. Financial Astrology is nothing but mathematical psychology based on astronomy. Or just correlating historical price behavior to the longitudinal position of planets and observing if those things happen again over time. That's it.
Financial Astrology has nothing to do with how to get that Libra to fall in love with you, a Cancer.
Anyway, I was compiling my notes and I came across a part of my notes that I've never recorded. Nothing in my studies of Technical Analysis ever mentioned checking for the longitudinal position of a single planet and not with a specific degree. But I had written it down: check divisions of 36-degrees of Venus. The software I use to do this is Optuma by Market Analyst- or you could just Google these dates, too.
So I put in 36-degrees of Venus and I just... it blew my mind. That's what you are seeing. I've NEVER seen such an accurate and stupidly creepy pattern in all my trading. This blew my mind and is hands down the craziest Bitcoin chart I've ever seen.
AUDUSD back to 0.75 - Gann and Financial Astrology189-day Gann cycle, strong trend reversal. Tweezer bottom on daily. I'm not a big fundamental/news based guy (I don't believe it matters) - but the new Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, is apparently better for the markets than Mr. Turnbull was. Regardless of the reasons, the trend change was already identified a while ago and price is catching up with time. In this case, there will be violent rise higher from this zone.
Not surprising that there are significant bullish Financial Astrological conditions here (I also posted these as an update to my Bitcoin Mirrored Foldback idea - )
August 7th - Sun Square Jupiter
Red Vertical - August 23rd - Admetos Square Sun
Blue Vertical - August 24th - Uranus AND Saturn Trine Sun
Mars exits its retrograde cycle.
There is a metric ton of things that all happen between August 23rd and August 26th. Because we are these swing lows, it’s important to notice the confluence of these cycles.
The orange box represents the Mars Retrograde cycle it ends that cycle on 26th.
There is a Full Moon on the 26th, Moon Apogee on the 23rd and the Sun enters Virgo on the 22nd.
Two trine aspects of the Sun: Uranus Trine Sun, Saturn Trine Sun
Bitcoin and Gann's Square of 52 Reversal - Mirrored Foldback?The image you are seeing is a rare (only because not many people use it) and old form of technical analysis from WD Gann's work: the Square of 52. The Square of 52 is a 52 week time cycle that begins at an important high or low, in this case the all time high of Bitcoin. What we have here is the exact center being traded, and it's at the bottom of a downtrend.
More than that, the mid point in the time cycle of the Square is also a 180-day Gann cycle. According to Gann, the 180-day cycle has these behaviors:
180 Day Cycle
Is the next most powerful cycle after 90
High probability of support or resistance
180 days up or down will usually start a countertrend movement or reverse the trend
180 days from all significant highs or lows must be watched for trend changes
Against extreme momentum and/or pitch, can go 192 days.
What we may observe is what the great analyst Michael S. Jenkins called a 'Mirrored Foldback'. If it doesn't trade it in structure, then it would trade it in shape, in this case the triangle. A foldback is a mirrored move in the structure that repeats its prior move. This is not an anamoly of the market, but a constant that we can see throught past price history.
Bitcoin's Harmonic JourneyBearish 5 Drives megastructure leading into a Bullish 5 drives up to 8500 to which will fulfill the overall Bearish 5 Drives w a target at around 5.5k.
Upon completion of 5.5k retracement OR sideways trending on a strong demand zone, Bitcoin's harmonic may become a Bullish Deep Crab to which will have a target of $10k+.
I've been bullish about bitcoin and I'm open to us shattering 8500 and reaching for 10k+ but I'm just reading the chart as it's presented and it's pretty clear what is being presented.
The following is astrological and Gann fan related. I am in now way a master of this and while I've witnessed the significant correlations of astrological events w price action and fud and fomo doesn't mean I am an authority on recognizing it. These are data points that I am interested in observing so just understand that's where this part of the analysis comes from.
There are different star systems that astrologers use. In the beginning, I used tropical, which is used for Western astrology but I'm favoring and using Sidereal (of the stars) astrology based on observations I've thus far made between tropical and sidereal for bitcoin's price action.
Astrological and Gann fan aspects: It's interesting to note that this weekend, there are several planetary bodies (the moon is a planetary body) that are moving into constellations. In astrology, it's significant when a planet enters a constellation/sign and even greater significance when it multiple planets entering a sign/s.
6/8 - Friday - Moon enters Pisces
6/9 - Saturday - Venus enters Cancer - Gann fan cross
6/10 - Sunday - Moon enters Aries
6/10 - Sunday - Mercury enters Gemini
Last time we had this many planetary events in a 4 day time period was during Consensus 2018 last month.
Next there's June 18th... as in 6/18... (Golden ratio anyone?) and this day is at the apex of the pennant that we are forming from our run up to 20k. Fun fact: Kepler characterized Harmonics Law on May 25th, 1618. Nice timing with that year, Keppler! Also, May 25th is when the Buddha's birthday is celebrated.
6/18--- Neptune Retrograde - I've been trying to understand how different planets could affect price action and I'm afraid I don't have enough experience to talk about Neptune retrograde in that regard. What I can say is that Neptune retrograde is a wake-up call to the delusional fantasizers. The big question is who is delusional; the bears about the price dropping or the bull greedy for the moon?
Gann Fan - so in a previous chart I published, about how hype 4/20 is going to this year has a Gann fan apex/wedge/crossing at 4/20. If you press play, bitcoin literally drove right into the wedge, continuing upward. It's not at cleanly depicted in this chart bc scale has things slightly off, but subsequently parallel to the 4/20 apex is a Gann fan apex at 6/18. What does that mean? mmmm, I'm counting on the Bearish 5 Drives harmonic to play out.
6/26 - Mars goes retrograde - This isn't looked as favorable but we shall see how it goes.
7/7 - Mercury enters retrograde zone - This should be daytrading- short term bearish.
7/10 - Jupiter goes direct - bullish. Planet of wealth, abundance, expansiveness goes direct is a good sign. When mercury went direct (4/15) we took off. 5/3 - Mercury left the retrograde zone and that day is associated w one of our double top/highs from the April bull run. We also have a Gann fan cross on 7/10 reinforcing the significance of that day.
7/13 - partial solar eclipse - historically a bullish event. Significance reinforced by a Gann fan crossing.
7/26 - Mercury goes retrograde - Bearish
7/27 to 28 - Total Lunar Eclipse - Bearish
I use astrology to find confluence in the story that's being told w price action. I am very much a novice and appreciate you hanging around to read the end. :)
BTC, 618, Numerology and the Heavens?There's a lot to say and I'm probably leaving a lot out but it's ok. I'm a big fan of the non-linear, circular thinking.
June 18th... 6/18... we are at the apex of our pennant from 20k. but what if our pennant's apex means nothing and the real apex is the Gann fan apex at 6/18? Refer to other charts I've done that have Gann fan crosses and planetary correlations. Also on 6/18, Neptune goes retrograde.
So I saw a twitter post about the reversals on the 6th and people start talking number of the beast... so I'd like to a moment to clarify the significance of this number and then some.
The obvious- Fibonacci and the golden ratio
Then we do some cumsum numerology (cumulative summation you pervs) 618.. 6+1+8=15 =1+5=> 6
666, 6+6+6=18=1+8=> 9
without doing a deep dive into numerology, 9 is the most yang number (Chinese numerology perspective), the number of completion, the highest and most powerful number. In the zodiac, the 9th house is of Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, who relates to abundance, wealth, the highest and most etheric knowledge (spiritual knowledge and general higher learning).
There are 9 planets in the solar system (100% Pluto). There are 12 primary channels and 9 extraordinary meridians ==> 12x9 = 108. 1+0+8 = 9
There are 108 beads on a prayer garland===> 9
9 months in a pregnancy.
The Sun is apparently 108x the size of Earth. (wiki says 109x the size; close enough, damn stars are expanding as they get older)
In the Bagua. There are 8 trigrams. In olden asian agriculture, they would feng shui their crops according to the 8 zones/trigrams of the bagua. The middle would be left empty, the middle was the 9th zone and referred to as God's acre.
The atomic number of Carbon is 6. Carbon has 6 electrons, 6 protons, and 6 neutrons. ... 618=6?
6 points in a star tetrahedron.
In asian culture, 666 is something that is very powerful and impressive. A demon can be that and someone of immense Light can be as well.
...I wouldn't be surprised if we don't have a big fat candle that scorches up to 10,800 out of nowhere.
Bitcoin's Bearish 5 DrivesBearish 5 Drives as megastructure. on the downtrending leg, we have our supposed reversal presenting as a Bullish 5 drives. If this all happens near textbook expected then we should retrace to around 7400, which will be our 6/1/18 launch pad for our next mini lunar mission.
Jokes aside, should be interesting to see what happens. Not going to lie, the mega Bearish 5 Drives patter has me a bit leery as to whether or not this will be a lunar mission and actually a deeper descent.
Excited to see how it plays out. :)
BTC's Bullish harmonic fractals with a bear pennantAbsolutely amazed by bitcoin right now. Been emotionally playing with everyone' s hearts who have decided to stay with her after our recent high.
We're forming fractals of bullish harmonics. At the end of a bullish butterfly at a strong demand zone, we are forming a bear flag. ALSO, Uranus is making its way into Taurus today (tropical astrology not sidereal) The moon is at its Perigee tomorrow (closest to earth), Mars enters Aquarius AND WE HAVE A GANN FAN CROSS.
Something unexpected this way comes, don't get REKT!