(GNTY) - Strong Fundamentals / Solid TechnicalsThis company just launched it's IPO. Already you have technicals forming. In addition, the earnings are strong and with volume at the support line and small candles, I can tell that someone on the inside is convinced it will continue upward.
Also, doing extensive research into the kind of operations this company has made in the past. They would not have gone public if they didn't think they had something to show. They have yet to release their most recent earnings which I think, will be positive and will lead to a good profit.
Price targets around ($36 and $40)
Daily Corrective Structure, looking for one more all time low Appears to be a simple bull flag. Looking to buy once we break the low, and find some bullish evidence!
EUROSTOXX BANKS 600 , SPREAD BUND10Y-SCHATZ2YAlla vigilia del ADC di Unicredit, non sono molto ottimista sul futuro del settore bancario Europeo.
Il future si trova poco sotto l'area di accettazione posta a quota 176, round number, VAH 2015-2016, importante HCR settimanale (ed in passato anche LCR sul quale il future è più volte rimbalzato), dove sono allineati più High/Lows e peraltro livello coincidente con il 50% di ritracciamento di Fibo del trend discendente da i massimi del 2015 in area 227. StochRSI in ipercomprato che evidenzia un primo segnale di perdita di momentum del trend (peraltro ancora saldamente rialzista)
Attenderei che il prezzo si avvicini di nuovo in area 176 con l’obiettivo di comprendere se il livello manterrà il suo stato attuale (resistenza) oppure verrà violato provocandone un cambio di stato (supporto). Se la candela settimanale chiudesse al di sotto del livello (PBTB), tenterei un'entrata SHORT , con SL 10 tick sopra la candela della prima settimana dell'anno e primo TP in area 160 .
L'elevato Risk/Reward ratio sarebbe garantito dell'area di rigetto compresa t r a 170 e 160, dove il prezzo incontrerebbe poche resistenze sul suo percorso.
Eventualmente accompagnare il trade seguendo in ottica intermarket l'andamento dello spread BUND10Y-SCHATZ2Y che in passato ha mostrato correlazione diretta con il future bancario europeo, la cui discesa confermerebbe la direzionalità.
RBS potential to reach 99$ price areaFor your long swing account. You will have many opportunities to add more to the trade so still once reaching 1:1-or-more ratio remember to consider taking profits to remove your risk.
ZARJPY Long based on Gold and Central Bank ViewI am looking to position myself for positive gold moves, and inflation threads. I belive this way FX_IDC:ZARJPY we can get very good reward and less risk than trading directly gold or silver. Investors are not fully discounting this instrument as there are political problems in Africa.
Royal Bank of Scotland is next be hit with a hefty US settlement"...Its progress with the DoJ is particularly important to Royal Bank of Scotland, because the British lender is also expected to be hit with a hefty US settlement . RBS posts third-quarter results tomorrow but is not expected to give a substantial update on its DoJ talks because they are not thought to be at an advanced stage ..."
27 OCTOBER 2016 • 2:33PM
Source: www.telegraph.co.uk
Possibly a very good place and time to plan a short position - technically and fundamentally.