Deutsche Bank Commerzebank Merger Good for EquitiesThe fundamental analysis of this is fairly easy. Mergers are good for stocks. Why? Because it usually means increasing profitability. Why? Because it oftentimes leads to reducing inefficiencies and eliminating two teams that could be consolidated into one whether its with commercial banks, foreign exchange desks, etc. This merger would lead to the cutting of 30,000 jobs in Germany which would clearly help push the mega bank in a positive direction towards profitability. If talks progress positively, expect both Deutsche Bank (bars) and Commerzebank (pink) to edge up. But let's not forget, these two banks' stocks have been in the gutter since the 2008 Financial Crisis and both greatly underperformed the DAX (dark blue) and the Eurostoxx 50 (light blue). More words on this here:
Citi Bank Bullish Breakout?Can we see a breakout in NYSE:C ?
I currently say this because ever since the 14th of January of 2019 it has been consolidating between the resistance line at the $65.23 and the support at $60.81.
For myself the RSI and MACD are the most important indicator to me. As you can see the MACD has crossed just before the 3rd run to the resistance and the RSI is yet to be oversold.
Posting this today the price has came close to the resistance line just by $0.6. I believe that if we see the price break through the resistance than it will breakout and we can see the target price to be around the $69.00 range.
ALSO, there was a big right triangle forming and as of today it has also broken through the right triangle resistance line. So this should be interesting to look at if it can break through 2 resistance lines.
Swedbanknear time it could cover the dividend which is 8%. once the the buyers who caught the bottom have got there 10% and the dividen has been paid i expect theprice to double bottom on 150 (nice round number.
# If interst rates rise in Sweden this will be positive, at the momemnt this will be reveiwed again in may...
XRP - The Ugly Duckling...BUT...XRP have behind to RIPPLE who sell solutions(already live with some partners) of fast transactions(Xrapid, Xcurrent) with the option to use XRP, so if the partners decide to use XRP with this two services, the price of XRP possible will be launched more far than the moon, HOW MUCH? I DONT KNOW but just think a example, if they take the place of SWIFT or just become a PARTNER, SWIFT move per day $5Trillion and $1.25Quadrillion per year, SO JUST IMAGINE...AND this is just a EXAMPLE. THE CEO OF RIPPLE SAID "THEY ARE HERE TO HELP THE BANKS" and my friends I know crypto is supposed to avoid the banks but you still need to cash out to go to buy a sandwich or coffee(and no don't tell me that vending machines that accept crypto, I´m talking about normal common place like a little town and little coffee shop, they want cash or lucky they use a POS). I believe I will not see banks disappearing or struggle because crypto(at least not me because I will pass away first), the only possibility I see is adoption, Banks and big institutions want money and cryptocurrency beside any technology importance is a machine to make money and speculate.
So IMO is not bad to have A BAG OF XRP ROAD TO 100 USD OR ROAD TO __?__ USD
XRP is really THE UGLY DUCKLING inside crypto community but you know that tale right?
GBPUSD Buy ScenarioWe're in a very obvious Uptrend, seeking entry
at bank and big institutional levels around the order blocks
Optimal entry will be 1st order block and 2nd order block
listed on the chart. play price action and wait for a pull back in the
"20" price points aka Institutional S&R and seek 62% 70.5% and 79%
Fibo Levels for sniper entries,
GOLD where the big players set ordersMarked on the chart you can see some key levels 1356.478 ( resistance ) 1297.420 ( resistance ) and 1182.906 ( support )
You can see that price has touched and bounced off these levels 10+ times each, why do you think this is? this is because the big banks and the big players in the game set orders at these levels ( big amounts of money ) this will make the market move in the direction they want ( manipulating the market )
Now if we can identify these key levels that the big players are getting in the trades then we too can benefit from these, this is all we need key levels of support and resistance! Because if you spot these levels but wait for candlestick confirmation they you will probably miss the trade and loose out as the big players would have made there money and pulled out.
Keep an eye out for these key levels, and remember the HIGHER the chart timeframe the more RELIABLE the support or resistance level will be.
G-SIBs (Global-Systemically Important Banks) 'Too Big To Fail'"A too-big-to-fail firm is one whose size, complexity, interconnectedness, and critical functions are such that, should the firm go unexpectedly into liquidation, the rest of the financial system and the economy would face severe adverse consequences...Governments provide support to too-big-to-fail firms in a crisis not out of favoritism or particular concern for the management, owners, or creditors of the firm, but because they recognize that the consequences for the broader economy of allowing a disorderly failure greatly outweigh the costs of avoiding the failure in some way. Common means of avoiding failure include facilitating a merger, providing credit, or injecting government capital..."
-Ben Bernanke (2010)
Basal Committee on Banking Supervision, Bank for International Settlements (2013). Global Systemically Important Banks.
During the financial crisis that started in 2007, the failure or impairment of a number of large, globally active financial institutions sent shocks through the financial system, which, in turn, harmed the real economy. Supervisors and other relevant authorities had limited options to prevent problems affecting individual firms from spreading and thereby undermining financial stability. As a consequence, public sector intervention to restore financial stability during the crisis was conducted on a massive scale. Both the financial and economic costs of these interventions and the associated increase in moral hazard mean that additional measures need to be put in place to reduce the likelihood and severity of problems that emanate from the failure of global systemically important financial institutions (G-SIFIs).
The Committee is of the view that global systemic importance should be measured in terms of the impact that a bank’s failure can have on the global financial system and wider economy, rather than the risk that a failure could occur.
The selected indicators reflect the size of banks, their interconnectedness, the lack of readily available substitutes or financial institution infrastructure for the services they provide, their global (cross-jurisdictional) activity and their complexity.
Bucket 4
JP Morgan Chase
Bucket 3
BNP Paribas
Deutsche Bank
Bucket 2
Bank of America
Credit Suisse
Goldman Sachs
Mitsubishi UFJ FG
Morgan Stanley
Richard A Werner (2014). Can banks individually create money out of nothing?—The theories and the empirical evidence. International Review of Financial Analysis.
Thus it can now be said with confidence for the first time – possibly in the 5000 years' history of banking - that it has been empirically demonstrated that each individual bank creates credit and money out of nothing, when it extends what is called a ‘bank loan’. The bank does not loan any existing money, but instead creates new money. The money supply is created as ‘fairy dust’ produced by the banks out of thin air. The implications are far-reaching.
HD Macleod (1855). The Theory and Practice of Banking.
These banking Credits are, for all practical purposes, the same as Money. They cannot, of course, be exported like money: but for all internal purposes they produce the same effects as an equal amount of money. They are, in fact, Capital created out of Nothing.
René Guénon (1945). The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times.
The control of money by the spiritual authority, in whatever form it may have been exercised, is by no means exclusively confined to antiquity, for without going outside the Western world, there is much to indicate that it must have been perpetuated until toward the end of the Middle Ages, that is, for as long as the Western world had a traditional civilization. It is impossible to explain in any other way the fact that certain sovereigns were accused at this time of having ‘debased the coinage’; since their contemporaries regarded this as a crime on their part, it must be concluded that the sovereigns had not the free disposal of the standard of the coinage, and that, in changing it on their own initiative, they overstepped the recognized rights of the temporal power.
Since money lost all guarantee of a superior order, it has seen its own actual quantitative value, or what is called in the jargon of the economists its ‘purchasing power’, becoming ceaselessly less and less, so that it can be imagined that, when it arrives at a limit that is getting ever nearer, it will have lost every justification, and that it will disappear of itself, so to speak, from human existence. Since pure quantity is by its nature beneath all existence, when the trend toward it is pressed to its extreme limit, as in the case of money, the end can only be a real dissolution.
Laurie Law, Susan Sabett, Jerry Solinas {NSA} (1996). How to make a mint: the cryptography of anonymous electronic cash.
In particular, the dangers of money laundering and counterfeiting are potentially far more serious than with paper cash. These problems exist in any electronic payment system, but they are made much worse by the presence of anonymity. Indeed, the widespread use of electronic cash would increase the vulnerability of the national financial system to Information Warfare attacks.
Satoshi Nakamoto (2008). Bitcoin: A peer-to-peer electronic cash system.
A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online
payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a
financial institution.
A massive sell off coming up, 50 % dropBlue lines are the average of BTC's most boring days. We stayed at 6400 for 2 months before it dumped to 3140, so let's say an estimate of 50 % drop. Now the story looks very similar, from 24th November till now we've been hanging around 3680, few dollars up and down which is caused by bots trading. So I can think of only one outcome. Another 50 % drop which will take us to 1900 support. I also used a triangle (pink lines) to make it more visible where we are at right now. My gut is telling me that a massive sell off will happen at the start of next week. I've been sitting in Tether since 4100 so let's see how this plays out.
Gold vs BanksThis chart shows the ratio of XAUUSD vs BKX bank index
Gold is typically considered a secure investment in times of economic uncertainty
The KBW Bank Index (ticker BKX) tracks the stocks of 24 major banking companies since the early 90s.
This index serves as a benchmark of the banking sector.
During the Great Financial Crisis of 2007–08 questions regarding bank solvency, declines in credit availability and damaged investor confidence had an impact on global stock markets. Gold surged in price relative to the bank index.
Another surge in this ratio can be seen during the 2011 Credit Crisis, Standard & Poor's downgraded America's credit rating from AAA to AA+ on 6 August 2011 for the first time. Fears of contagion of the European sovereign debt crisis also increased at this time.
Since 2013 the narrative has been rather consistent confidence in the banks. Gold has lost strength while real yields on Treasuries have risen. During the earnings recession of 2015-2016 fear returned of economic slowdown and rising defaults in junk credit.
Recently with the flattening yield curve fears of slowing economic activity took over markets towards the end of 2018.
Projections of another recession are expected for the years ahead possibly by 2020.
Great Western Bank - short opportunityNot investment advice.
GWB - Great Western Bank.
Medium sized regional bank with high agriculture exposure proving vulnerable to tariffs.
Poor senior management decisions of the past are coming home to roost. Exit of tenured and key employees accelerating.
Look to purchase puts at $32-37
Decision Time for Goldman SachsThe H&S target has been reached, leaving GS at the rising trend line of the large rising wedge that has been in play since the 2008 crash. The RSI is showing that GS is oversold while the MACD is still taking a plunge. A MACD recovery and bullish cross would be a good sign. If the price closes under the rising trend line, I expect a large plunge to the 0.786 Fibonacci retracement. If the support holds, expect return to the top of the rising wedge .
JPM - Bearish-neutral Iron CondorStock rally through till early 2018. Choppy price action with range-bound price through remainder of 2018 indicates large volume of shares exchanging hands (in other words, for a better mental picture, larger holders off-loading to more interested but smaller buyers). Expectation is neutral price discovery, with earnings report in January catalyzing subsequent direction move, which is typically bearish/downward with such price action. For now, price is attempting to find a fair value, and as such a bearish-neutral bias is bet on here.
85/90/115/120 JAN19 IRON CONDOR @ 0.67 CREDIT
General plan:
Roll if necessary & if possible mainly to reduce risk, expecially in this case due to earnings report date before expiration
Target maximum profit, unless significant profit appears early.
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