Brent Oil AnalysisHello,
Based on graphics, here's a fresh, simple short-/mid-term analysis on Brent Oil .
1st target: Brent at USD 66/barrel (+32% if compared to October 1st quotation)
2nd target: Brent at USD 80/barrel (+60% if compared to October 1st quotation)
Note 1: Weekly-based
Note 2: Inverse Head-and-Shoulders
Note 3: maybe there will be consolidation between USD 61-66/barrel.
Hope it's useful for someone.
Best Regards from Brazil.
CIELO: Compra/LongCompra de Cielo(CIEL3) baseada no respeito à zona de suporte. Devemos ver o preço subir nos próximos dias e semanas.
Going long on Cielo(CIEL3) due to bounce off support zone. We should see higher prices in the coming days and weeks.
Great Opportunity to buy farmland in South AmericaThis stock buys you land all over South America.
319,000 Hectares between Brazil and Paraguay, just to name a few (mostly in Brazil).
Exposure to an incredible emerging market.
Exposure to commodities long term (grain and sugar mostly, cattle as well)
Management is a powerhouse.
JP Morgan owns 7% of the float.
George Soros made this company happen.
Google Eduardo Elsztain - greatest Argentine real estate investor. He's LND's Chairman.
Commodity prices are depressed. As commodities rise in the future it will generate more income for farmland.
Brazilian currency has gotten crushed in the last 10 years. New strength in the Real will benefit Brazil's economy.
Company has no debt.
Excellent growth.
Farmland known for its fantastic risk/return profile (it's land in Brazil, Peru, Chile, Argentina, etc, not a technology fad).
Under $5 per share so institutions are not allowed to invest, yet. What happens when prices hover above $5 per share? Domestic institutions have this stock on their radar and capital flows one way.
Boo Ya.
Most importantly, we have a great looking chart.
Sell Brazil el ritmo caliente, Long setup for Bearish BZQ ETFSell Brazil el ritmo caliente, Bullish setup for BZQ ETF
ProShares UltraShort MSCI Brazil Capped BZQ seeks daily investment results, before fees and expenses, that correspond to two times the inverse (-2x) of the daily performance of the MSCI Brazil 25/50 Index®.
Volumes great as never. Initial targeted tp 28+
Things point to 140 for now (2nd month continuation)Looks down to the 140 area for a test. However as long as the orange or blue trends hold, the upwards trend is still intact IMHO.
short call spreads above 165 in Dec or January might be a good idea. I would buy any puts as downside seems limited for the moment and option volatility might decline during a sell off diminishing returns on long option strategies.
1x2 put spreads 10 to 15 cents wide for flat selling the 2 buying one over two month could be good IMHO
SUZB5 correction opportunity (5,6%)Após período de tendência baixista, SUZB5 forma fundo, em 05-Agosto-2016, e corrige preços, com grande chances de atingir ou ultrapassar nível de 0.382 na retração de Fibonacci.
Esse movimento de correção vêm ganhando forças, como demonstram as linhas de tendência traçadas a partir dos fundos terciários. Entretanto, a chance dos preços se aproximarem do topo de 06-Janeiro-2016, ou mesmo de atingir o nível de 0.618 na retração de Fibonacci - o que seria forte indício de rompimento da tendência primária, de formação de topos e fundos descendentes - parece improvável por enquanto.
* Rompimento da resistência de R$10.70;
* Tendência terciária (linha vermelha - Média móvel exponencial de 9 períodos) cruzando tendência secundária (linha laranja - Média móvel de 50 períodos)
English version:
After bearish trend, SUZB5 forms a bottom in 05- August- 2016 and fix prices, with great chances to reach or exceed the level of 0.382 Fibonacci retracement .
This correction movement is gaining strength , as shown by the trend lines drawn from tertiary bottoms. However , the perspectives of prices approaching the levels of 06- January -2016 , or even reach the level of 0.618 in Fibonacci retracement - which would be strong indication of breaking of the primary trend, of bearish tops and bottoms - seems unlikely for now.
* Resistance break at R$10.70 ;
* Tertiary trend (red line - exponential moving average of 9 periods) crossing secondary trend ( orange line - moving average of 50 periods)
Entry price: R$10.70
Stop: 10.40 (-2,80%)
Take profit: 11.30 (+5.60%)
CIEL3 bearish (4%)CIEL3 crossed support line at 32.80, showing the force of the bearish trend started in 02-August-2016.
As the stock came from an bullish trend and the correction took more than 60% of the last move, it's expected that it will hit the support marked by 30.85.
Stop: 32.80 (-1,58%)
Entry (sell): 32.30
Take profit: 31.00 (+4.06%)
ALPA4 - Possível virada de tendência (Possible Upset Trend)O papel está indicando uma virada de tendência que pode render 10% nas próximas semanas.
O alvo programado é de R$11,40 e o Stop Loss está em R$10,00.
Tomar cuidado pois o último candle ainda estava encostado no Stop, acredito que seja melhor esperar mais dois candles antes de entrar na operação.
Bom trade!
English version:
The stock is indicating a upset trend that can yield 10% in the nexts weeks.
The programmed target is R$11,40 and the Stop Loss is at R$10,00.
Be careful because the last candle was stil leaning against the Stop Liss, I believe it is better to wait two more candles before entering in the operation.
Have a good trade!
IBOV - IBOVESPA rompe LTB após 6 anos!Agora é o momento? Ainda não temos uma confirmação precisa de reversão de tendência, mas que é um belo furo na LTB, isso é! Como podem ver no gráfico, passamos por tempos nebulosos desde 2010 onde tivemos uma drástica queda nos preços das commodities e graças a um governo muito competente (PT), "e notem a minha ironia enquanto escrevo", tivemos redução e congelamento de tributos e expansão de credito para o incentivo do consumo. No entanto, como podemos notar sem muito esforço, tudo deu errado. Mas agora em 2016 surge uma nova esperança, após um longo e traumático processo de impeachment, chegamos a reta final da queda da quem gosta de ser chamada de "presidenta" Dima Rousseff. Enfim, surge uma bela oportunidade para os próximos anos, como eu disse no começo, ainda é cedo para termos uma confirmação concreta, mas para tantos como eu que já estão roendo o osso há muito tempo, um pouco de esperança já é muita coisa. Abraço do Jake!
VALE5 testando resistência a $16.00Dando continuidade a trade fechado ontem, posicionamento em VALE5 esperando correção devido a forte alta do dia anterior.
Compra: $15,78
Stop: $15.43
Alvo: $16.39
O que aconteceu com USDBRL entre 2010-2016 em 7 eventos(A) 1a Eleição de Dilma Rousseff
(B) Início do rally do DYX US Dollar Index
(C) Reeleição de Dilma Rousseff
(D) Eduardo Cunha, presidente da Câmara de Deputados, aceita pedido de impeachement da Presid. Dilma Rousseff
(E) Câmara de Deputados instaura processo de impeachment de Dilma Rousseff, com mais de 2/3 dos votos
(F) Enfraquecimento do rally do DYX
(G) Referendo brexit
É interessante comparar a evolução percentual do par dolar americano x real (USDBRL) com a evolução do DYX, índice que compara valor do USD com cesta de principais moedas do mundo. De 2010 a 2016 houve uma valorização do USD de uma forma geral, mas o impacto na moeda brasileira foi extraordinário.
Note como surge uma diferença significativa entre a evolução percentual dos índices já no segundo ano do mandato de Dilma, em 2012, quando o USDBRL cresce cerca de 10% a mais que o DYX. Essa diferença será fortemente ampliada após a releeição, chegando a um pico de mais de 100% no início de 2016.
No contraponto, os sinais de troca de governo forçam uma tendência de queda para o par USDBRL, já em Fevereiro-2016, reduzindo a diferença percentual. Somada a queda experimentada pelo DYX a partir de Maio-2016, o movimento de USDBRL ganha ainda mais vigor. Mas até quando? Esse movimento de entrada de dolares é tido pelos analistas com um dos principais drivers da tendência bullish da Bovespa (IBOV) nos últimos meses.
Comentários são muito bem vindos!
130 target areaLooking for 130 area as a target of the recent decline in coffee prices.
Overall uptrend as indicated in upsloping orange trendline hasn't been broken yet
Spreads are weak as well.
Elliott Wave Count for Brazil's IBOVO IBOV parece estar no final de uma onda C Menor, dentro de uma (4) Intermediária, que faz parte de uma onda (I) Primária.
O início da onda (5) está iminente e deve levar o IBOV até 55K. A partir dalí, devemos ficar atentos ao final da onda (5) e (I).
Essa contagem leva em consideração o humor social bastante negativo que dominou a percepção de investidores e não-investidores sobre o Brasil, especialmente no segundo semestre de 2015.
O Fundo de Janeiro de 2016 seria então o final de uma correção(baixista) de uma onda de grau Cíclico(altista). Esta correção teve seu início em Abril/2008!
Brazilian Stock Index IBOV looks as though it is at the end of a Minor C Wave, which is part of an Intermediary (4)th wave inside a Primary Wave (I).
The start of Wave (5) is imminent and should carry the IBOV back to 55k. From then, we should look out for the completion of Waves (5) and (I).
This count takes into account the negative mood that took over investors and non-investors perception on Brazil alike, specially in the last semester of 2015.
The January 2016 Bottom would then be the end of a (bearish)correction of a long (bullish)Cyclic degree wave. This correction started back in April 2008!
SUZB5: Eyes open for next week new'sThe context:
* A large percentage of company's sales is done in USD (exportations), so high USDBRL -1.21% is good for the company.
* The BEK prices (Bleached Eucalyptus Kraft) suffered a donw trend in the last months, affecting all the players of the sector (See ETF 0.00%% WOOD), but there is a moviment of price growning in course.
* The company's 2Q/20216 results were considered "over analists expectations", with an important Private Equity bank targeting R$ 20 p/s in the next 12 months.
So, when we take this context with the market data it's possible to see bullish trend forming soon; Special attention must be given to RSI hiting 20% and the divergence between WOOD and SUZB5 -3.31% since 14/Jul.
Now, the only factor that may be blocking an bullish trend in this stock is the USDBRL -1.21% , wich reached an accumulation point this week.
My bet: If in the next monday (01/Aug) the price stock forms an nice candle, crossing R$10.3, it's time to buy; Target R$10.80, but it may change with the next market new's ( USDBRL -1.21% ).
Comments are welcome!
(@Anacarsis thank you for the help)
BTOW3 forming an upside trend after the correction?The market confirmed the previous idea's foresincs, and now it migth come the time to a new wave of price increase. The correction occurred as made by hand: less than 20% price correction, stoped by a suport line with high Volume near the bollinger limits.
Despite of the signs observed and pointed in the graph, it's still hard to say if the stock price will continue in a trend after the next days. After all, there are new's coming soon: The 2Q/2016 results are schedulled to come public in August-11.
Can TGMA3 recover it's historic price?In the last 12 months, the market value of Tegma (TGMA3) has decreased about 80% (06/01/2016 - $14.30 H; 01/27/2016 - $2.86 L). This company, which corebusiness is the transportation of new vehicles from factories to distributors, saw its revenues dwindle in face of the reduction of Brazilian consumer and employer confidence levels, the gloomy prospects for the country's interest rates, the growth of debt and default of families and the beginning of an unemployment crisis that still committs over 10% of the economically active population of the country: Not a good scenario to buy a car, I'd say.
Several months latter, thinks start to change with the prospect of success of impeachment of president Dilma Rousseff, and another bunch of events may help to a faster recover of economy in the country, which I'll resume in one consequence: The return of huge ammounts of foreign capital.
TGMA3 has done good job in surviving the worst point of the crisis. The question is: when will the Brazilian market recover the hability to stand an grown?
VALE5: A last breath before a price correctionSince 06/01/2016 VALE5 has enraged in a rally that built up more than 20% of the stock price, alligned with the results of IBOV (> +16%). This excelent result was made by a huge entrance of foreign capital in the Brazilian market, propiciated by the maintenance of low interest rates worldwide.
What we see in the graphs of VALE5 are signs of accendent confidence in the market, with four consecutive Botton-Top moviments, all of wich with price grow and tryng the mark near $13.60. This mark was finally beat up in 07/12/2016, and tried again in 07/20/2016.
My bet is that in the next few days we'll see the market trying the price of $14.35, before a price correction that will move the prices near the mark of $13.60 again.
Brazil, a safe harbor in the world marketDue to the increase in Debt/GDP of the world's biggest economic markets, the BRICS, and specially Brazil, that is impeaching its left wing corrupt president, are good options for those that want to escape from the bail ins and outs of the european market and from the chinese bubble. Obama's economic policy is also putting US in a very delicate situation.
In short, come to Brazil.